Saturday, March 21, 2020

Revising my "to Do" list...

Hunker down, read a good book and hope that the officials FINALLY take a serious look at the unwise College Spring Break activities going on in the midst of lockdowns and severe actions elsewhere!

I keep a calendar online and a paper one on my desk.

When I get confirmation of a ticket purchase, I print it out and stick it on the front of my refrigerator.

Just like everybody else.

Well, maybe not the tacky look of reminders on the 'fridge.

I did worry that a performance might pass and I had forgotten it so I had wasted not only money, but also  missed attending an event I wanted to go see.

Nowadays, I am monitoring more of a "Not To Do" list.
Or, oh crap, another show has been canceled or postponed.

Early on, as the United States began to face facts, listen to the scientists and alert us we had to take drastic steps - a postponement was almost an upbeat concept.

If the scheduled performance was merely delayed, it would be a future event to bring happiness. YAY!

But, now Canceled seems to be the keyword of the day.

So is Distancing. 

The latest and most challenging official mandate is LOCKDOWN and I understand that concept.

To do nothing in a pandemic disease situation would be foolish and irresponsible. The wisdom today is we need to buy time!

Allowing us to roam, around, eyes closed to the problem, would be insane.

Luckily, I am an avid reader, belong to Paperback Book Swap and this PBS $20 a year membership has been very, very good to me.

(Yes, there is a cartoon in the comics each day that I like called Pearls Before Swine. It is known among its followers as PBS.)

But, back to my heavily-filled bookshelf and stacks of very readable fodder.

I am assured of using my newly-restricted alone time to keep up with my favorite authors.

Despite the real, outside world,  I can travel - in my mind - freely -  in a disease-free universe.

Oh, another fringe benefit I enjoy, I have a cat.

Not a dog that requires outside walks, breaking curfew.

An INSIDE cat who, in her 8 years with me, has ventured out an open door only ONCE to the deck outside.

She took a few steps, looked around, saw no bowl of Kibble and marched back inside.

So far, my NOT TO DO list includes several monthly meetings (like my 1st Tuesday,  Lowcountry 21st Century Photo Group, and some scheduled monthly lunches.

CATS at the Performing Arts Center has been "delayed" but The Play That Went Wrong, a Britsh farce import scheduled for the Gaillard this month has been canceled.

A favorite small cabaret-style venue 34 WEST on Meeting Street, has shut down and hopefully will resume soon. I have written about this talented 6-year old venue and hope it resurfaces.

A major (to me) annual event down at Freshfields Village by Kiawah I hope will go on as announced is Gary Erwin's annual BLUES BY THE SEA next month.

I surprised Gary one year when we BOTH showed up wearing Guayaberas shirts! OLE!

Several TO DO items still on my calendar include scheduled visits to my doctor.

In these vicious virus days, that seems to be a good priority.

Finally, click on the link to The Hammer & Dance approaches for a well-thought out view of what is happening right now and a view of our future.

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