Thursday, February 06, 2020

The Daily Mailbox shuffle

Some days, I don't even bother to walk down the 12 steps and check my mailbox.

In fact, I may just replace it with a trash can.

I now have convinced my newspaper carrier that I will complain less if she will just get the paper on my porch.

This is my version of a 12-step program and I feel strongly they should be only used for the important stuff.

My mail today was another "friendly reminder" from AARP, touting the best new Medicare choices for its senior members.

Each month AARP sends me form letters to mail (my stamp) to my elected officials telling them I am mad as hell and won't take [insert grievance] anymore!

About 2-3 times a month, I get a postcard stating "I will buy your house AS-IS for cash! No commission. No need to make repairs. Contact me TODAY!

I think there is a list - naturally by age - used by the hearing aid people, funeral costs assistance, (one today from a Cremation Society), Estate Planning, Reverse Mortgage from both Tom Sellick or Broadway Joe Namath and either eyeglass vendors or Lasic eye surgery people.

I drive a 14-year old Saturn (it just finally turned 90K miles!) and receive - almost monthly - a final chance to get an extended warranty opportunity - stamped LAST OFFER, every time.

I should be so lucky!

I looked up my very used car on Kelly Blue Book and see it MIGHT fetch $1250. Of course, despite shopping around or trying to combine Home and Car insurance, I pay an outrageous amount for coverage!

Basically just covering my butt from all the insurance companies getting $1million + liability settlements! Dial 333-3333 or all sevens 777-7777.

OK, end of rant.

Now I'll go look at my computer and see ads for anything I might have even casually mentioned online.

Big Bro is at work here.

Alexa and OK Google are not the only ones listening.

Oh, here's a GOOD NEWS last-minute tidbit.....

Not stuffed in the mailbox but next Tuesday, the fine fellows at Play It Again, Sports will deliver a used exercise device replacement for the worn-out treadmill that conked out on me.

They had suggested I NOT invest in a new circuit board for my 6-year old treadmill.

They came up with a well-cared-for TreadClimber TC10, made by BOWFLEX, for something different from a treadmill.

They said it provides low impact on ankles and knees but, they added, you can't run on it like a treadmill.

Haha, I never did run on any of my treadmills.

You know the drill on here...for more details, click on the photos and links.

I was asked why, if my treadmill was broken, didn't I just go for a walk in the neighborhood. Well, DUH, I can't watch ROKU walking on a real sidewalk!

Thanks for stopping by. Come try out my new machine.

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