Saturday, February 08, 2020

Art imitating Life...and vice versa

 Looking at the newspaper today, I always check the comics.

I joke that's where I see what the politicians are doing.

I have used that line for years.

But, I do always read the comics - in black and white during the week - and full color on Sunday.

I remember while growing up that the Mayor of New York - Mayor LaGuardia - during a newspaper strike, read the comics over the radio so the kids didn't miss the funny fare in the newspaper.

That's a long leadup to why this photo is being re-blogged.

A buddy of mine and I were at the Hippodrome Theater in downtown Charleston, S.C. on September 16, 2009, and while washing up in the bathroom, I posed THIS shot as a joke. I know the date because I looked it up on my blog that I started way back in 2006.

It got an appreciated laugh or two over the years but today, February 7, 2020, I got the ULTIMATE appreciation of my concept of humor.

 Yep, in the national cartoon of Ziggy by Tom Wilson, my idea appeared in the national press via syndication.

OK, it took 11 years for it to happen.

BUT, it DID appear with the same literal interpretation of the ubiquitous sign we all see all the time in bathrooms.

As I said in my blog postings back then, I know it was in the men's room of the former IMAX by the harbor downtown.

I am assuming one also was in the ladies. But that would feature a female employee calling a halt to innovation and self-reliance!

Of course, I am going to contact the syndicate and, hopefully, Tom Wilson, and ask for the original cartoon.

I will make sure to send a copy to Tom so he gets to see my blog posting.

UNLESS...maybe he already had seen it!

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