Beards and Beers....
OK, many of us have heard about the (CSU)
Charleston Southern University professor who got fired because of beer.
No, not for drinking it.
For having his picture plastered on cans of the evil stuff.
Seems the school, formerly called Baptist College of Charleston, is very stern about drinking and, I guess, anything at all that has to do with it.
The man has a great beard but it was carefully groomed for the photo shoot and REALLY grabs your attention!
Associate Professor Paul Roof does not look like his in his everyday life, on or off campus.

I wore a beard for five years - but never came even close to the class main man's lofty hirsute grandeur.
In fact when I shaved it off, my friends eyed me suspiciously and asked if I was wearing a new sweater.
Or maybe a flashy (narrow knit) tie.
I had to remind them I used to have a beard!
For half a decade.
Hairy faces on beer labels is hardly new.
This poor Scot has to juggle a hefty glass of foamy thirst-quencher AND a set of bagpipes.
More than likely, while wearing a kilt and topped by a jaunty tam 'o shanter.
Last time I held a mug that large was at Okktoberfest in Munich. Which, of course, happens in September.

People don't tend to make fun of a sturdy bearded lumberjack on the front of
Timber Beast Rye IPA.
Especially if he has a double-head axe resting on his plaid-shirted shoulder.
And a knit cap.
(What's with beer and guys wearing facial hair AND a hat?)
Babe the Blue Ox often would be included in the image of axe-toting Paul Bunyan.
Well, I lived in Minnesota for a year (yes, it was Winter every day) and the image has stayed with me.
Even in the heat and humidity of a Charleston August.
Another bearded beer that caught my eye is
Rico Sauvin, an American IPA with an ABV of 7.60%.
This was some quick research conducted in the fairly new TBC (
The Beer Cellar) near 1050 E. Montague in North Charleston's Park Circle area. It's Suite "D" so come around the corner. You'll spot it easily. Has a tiny wooden deck.
The two owners were patient with me and my camera as I moved things around to get shots of hairy faces on labels and posters of beer cans and bottles.
John Judson, left, and Ryan Hendrick, have put together a large assortment of craft beers - and growler fills - in a rather small space.
They quickly picked up on where I was going...linking beers and beards.
Well, they have a right to be as they are involved with both.
(Click on the photos for more detail.)
Like most people, I keep two empty growler jugs, cushioned, in the trunk of my car.
This way, when I come across a tasty draft beer new to me, I can have a bottle filled, sealed and take it home.
Hmm, my new diet has really slammed that shut but I'm working on eating more veggies to offset the carbs and sugars that make beer taste so good!
My bare-faced approach to this posting has NOT tempted me to re-grow my beard.
In the past it was thick and dark blonde.
Now, it would be salt with no pepper.
Labels: Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse, associate professor, Baptist College, CSU, growler jugs, John Judson, Paul Roof, Rico Sauvin, Ryan Hendrick, S&P, TBC, The Beer Cellar, Timber Beast
Pictures of some Hot Shots...
Today's temperature topped out at 98 degrees.
I think they are still adding up the numbers for the "heat index."
It goes a LOT higher.
I believe that would be like the "chill factor" we hear about during the Winter.
Almost a dozen members of
my photography group met this morning at North Charleston's Riverfront Park for a photo shoot.
A delightful young model named Kirsten joined us so we could practice lighting and composition.
Most brought round "pop-up" reflectors to bounce light into a scene.
Some are silvery shiny, or dull white and, some are golden to cast a warmer light.
Today I saw one used that filtered sunlight to block and soften direct sunlight.
There were ten of us and the breeze off the river helped us cope with the heat.
We chose to work in the shade a lot!
When we moved to a new spot it happened to place us directly in front of the Pineda family.
They were cooling off and, seated at a picnic table, were preparing to have a quiet lunch.
We DO bring a lot of activity and they had a front row seat.
We experimented with various reflectors to move light around to suit a mood.
One avid photographer plopped down on his stomach to get a low angle.
With that many people aiming cameras at you, Kirsten, the model, would respond when one of us asked for a smile
Or to make a hand movement or perhaps maybe a flick of her head to move her hair.
As requested, she was somber, sultry, smiling , laughing or pensive.
And that's just the requests I heard fired at her.
She gave me a nice smile. With laughing eyes. I like it.
My shot up at the top of her sitting on the grass would have been better if I had aimed down more to eliminate the harsh contrasting sunny grass behind her.
When in the shade, it's best to keep the entire image in that subdued lighting.
I did like her Mona Lisa-like smile though.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
I'll close with an example of excessive post-production effort on a back-lighted photo.
It's another example of balancing bright light vs shade.
My efforts to balance the two sources created a cartoon effect with exaggerated contrasts, color and textures.
When using Plug-Ins and Photoshop, it's best to err on the side of realistic.
When the attempts are too extreme and draw the viewers attention, it has gone "too far."
Well, it was a learning experience kind of day.
I sure liked her smile!
Labels: hazy heat index, Kirsten the Model, Mona Lisa smile, Riverfront Park, the Pineda Family, working in the shade
CSN at the PAC...
Of course I remember their music!
Crosby Stills Nash came to town Tuesday and I was seated right down front.
Noticed when I came in, there was a much larger section of the parking lot reserved for those with handicap parking stickers.
A lot more.
I did see a few younger people in the crowd...probably there with their grandparents.
But the crowd loved all the songs. The old ones from four decades ago and some fresh new material.
Someone shouted out "Happy birthday, David!" but I checked later and found it's actually August 14th.
He's 73 today.
They sounded good and showed a lot of stamina. Still got it!
I was seated next to a couple who had driven down from Roanoke, Virginia and they said this was one of their all time best musical groups.
They knew the band would be in their hometown (tonight I think) but they could not get tickets! It was sold out.
Time to drive south.
"I've always wanted to visit Charleston so this is a special time for us," the wife said.
David is my husband's favorite so could you take a picture for me? My phone camera stinks," she added.
Stephen Stills is a fantastic lead guitar.
He would play a spell then wander stage right up to the edge and fans had their cameras clicking.
Well, some were iPhones but I did see several DSLRs too.
Ushers had told the crowd when we came in no flash photography please and no video recordings.
Seem like a fair exchange. I got to take pictures and they were not bothered by flashes.
They put up with those distracting bright lights for four decades. Used to be flash cubes or bulbs. Yikes.
I lost track of how many guitars were used during the show but they are not shy about praising the company that makes their choice instruments.
It's nice to listen to a band that is known for its harmony singing...and they still work well together.
We heard some peace songs and some protest songs and other Vietnam-era music. And some Dylan.
And a few songs by each from their respective former bands.
David, Stephen and Graham are in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame twice.
As a group and as members of The Hollies, The Byrds and Buffalo Springfield.
Here's two extra shots of David Crosby for the husband who drove down from Virginia.
Not sure if any of the band mentioned what was in the stainless steel travel mugs.
It might have been coffee or an energy drink.
This diet I'm on discourages me from sipping beers while I'm at a concert but, I did have one at dinner through.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
Having a good camera and being seated in the second row, it's fun to share what I've seen.

Some people drove all the way down from Virginia.
I'm glad the sun finally came out while they were here.
(Oh. Today is the 45th anniversary of
Labels: Buffalo Springfield, Byrds, Crosby Stills Nash, CSN, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Roanoke Virginia, Stephen Stills, The Hollies, Woodstock August 15-18 1969
Cat: movin' on up.......
"Well, THIS is new," the cat thought.
Sniffing around the base, she finally decided to hop up to the first level.
Curious, she climbed atop the round shape and reached higher.
"Definitely NOT litter boxes," she decided.
(Whew! I had worried about that.)
At Costco, it was described as a
Kitty Condo.
It replaced a sisel rope scratching post I had built for her several years ago so she would not use her claws on the couch or my carpets.
In fact, I believe the label said this carpeting was infused with catnip.
Is that legal here in South Carolina?
Colorado, sure, and soon, Washington state.
But here?
You have to keep a single indoor cat entertained and amused or they start to get mischievous and that's not good.
My cat Wallis sleeps most of the day. And, I suppose, all night too.
In her self-styled "hammock."
She tore some cloth loose on the bottom of the bed's box springs and crawls up in there out of sight.
Day and night. Forming a lump hanging under the bed.
Even for cat naps.
Or, sometimes, on the couch.
This multi-level climbing addition should give her more options for adventures... and sleeping accommodations.
If there is indeed catnip involved, that would be an added bonus.
I wanted to snap pictures of her exploring when she first saw the new tall thing.

Later I realized it had a very busy background for a photo.
The Clone tool on my Photo Shop Elements 10 enabled me to cover up a wall light switch and a plug and cord as well as "take the framed award" off the wall.
For future pictures, I'll probably just move what's hanging behind her.
Even the calendar with cute cat pictures.
Funny what you don't see when your focus is trying to catch the cat as she climbs up and around and then jumps down to the floor.
With an audible
So far Wallis has landed on her feet.
And nothing has tipped over.
If the furiously wagging tail is an indicator, It's safe to say it has her approval.
(Click on the photos for more detail.)
If you are a cat person," feel free to make comments.
Hmmm...I think she has found the catnip.
Moderation, kitty, moderation.
Labels: catnip, Costco, Kitty Condo, PSE 10, Sisel rope, tall scratching post, the Clone tool
Old bank ad: "Open an account, get a free toaster!"
I guess you have to be of a certain age for that ad to sound familiar.
The age that remembers dish cloths tucked inside boxes of detergent to get you to buy that brand..
Or, glassware and dishes given away free at movie theaters.
Probably also know about S & H Greenbax stamps that you licked, stuck into a booklet and redeemed for prizes or gifts.
And lay-a-way shopping and having a Christmas Club account that you used for buying holiday presents.
OK, now returning to banks offering toasters.
My bank,
South Coast Community, just handed me this
free USB Power Bank.
Just for filling out an application and requesting their credit card.
Not a huge story. Just an observation.
Back when banks gave away toasters, people did not have smart phones, iPads and other devices that could need an emergency stored power supply. Back then, most transactions were in cash or with a check.
Grocery store register counters still have a small shelf that you pull out to use when you write a check.
I don't even own a toaster.
But, I have a smartphone.
And, sometimes, I use it to bank online.
Labels: banking online, credit card application, dish cloths in boxes of soap, glassware, S&H greenbax stamps, Smartphone, Southcoast community Bank, USB Power Bank
Life without French fries.....
This diet thing is going quite well!
Am learning some basic, simple rules for success as the pounds are dropping off.
FRIED is not good and BEER is not my friend.
Hmmm. I grew up in the South so those two were staples.
Time for adjustments.
No fries and had the shrimp and scallops grilled. One side was sliced tomatoes and the other was zucchini.
Oh yes, the two tiny hush puppies were NOT put aside.
I was on a photo shoot starting in Awendaw at the
Sewee Lowcountry Environmental Education Center.
Saw some female red wolves who had just been fed, as they prowled their vast natural penned-up enclosure.
Driving up to McClellanville, it was time for lunch and I knew these were local - and very fresh - shrimp!
The shrimp fleet - basically at anchor on this Saturday, cloudy day - looked much larger than what we have at Shem Creek. The dockside store had a variety of large, medium and small "heads on" shrimp.
Photographers really
do respect people's property.
We decided this sign was placed there to stop cars from parking in that space.
It was not fenced.
Just two posts and a chain.
Despite a brief sprinkle, the docks attracted several out-of-town families who were sight-seeing.
They had the added treat of watching two dolphin swimming back and forth looking for food.
Good photo opp.
We left this scenic area, driving back up Oak Street to Pinckney and back to highway 17 north.
Our late afternoon goal was to attend an open house in Pawley's Island/Litchfield Beach.
Seeing a fleet of shrimp trawlers is a fairly common sight around here.
Sometimes my eye focuses on a particular detail in the scene and I explore it further.
This shot of boat lines was also adjusted with a plug-in filter from Topaz.
It's called
"lens effect" and I used it to keep the center sharp while making the surrounding area soft focus.
I like the end result.
Before we drove away from the docks, I switched my small digital camera to a black & white setting.
The arching canopy oaks gave the name to the street.
I also shot this view in color but think I like this version more.
The forecast for rain kept many members away from venturing out but I know a cloudy day sometimes produces soft lighting without harsh shadows.
I also keep a large golf umbrella and rain poncho in the trunk of my car. LOL.
The paper mill in Georgetown showed there was a pretty stiff breeze blowing left to right.
Its output blended and mingled with the low scudding clouds.
Again, a few scattered sprinkles, but nothing to warrant opening my umbrella.
Still set for black and white, it was a good scene to capture with my Canon sx260 HS camera.
While my diet discourages me from drinking beers, it does suggest maybe a glass of red wine instead.
In Georgetown, we found spaces near the park where fire ravaged the area a year ago.
Big Tuna is a quirky waterside bar and restaurant, just a few buildings away from the damaged area.
Had the feeling it had been here a long time.
I noticed a mural and angled to include it in my picture of my glass of wine. This is a 4-second exposure in a dark bar so my tiny attached tripod enabled me to avoid camera movement.
The wait staffers at Big Tuna are pretty sharp.
They saw us with cameras and taking a break.
They made sure we got our beers quickly - and poured me a red wine.
They were curious about the pictures we took of their bar.
Oh, and gave me a sticker with their logo. Just in case.
We continued driving up 17 North, through Pawley's Island, to the edge of Litchfield Beach.
Geoffrey Sean Thompson (seated on the right) has an excellent gallery there, filled with his professional nature photos and the enlarged prints he makes on site.
"Sean" also teaches photography and formed a group of about 80-90
outdoors nature photographers and wannabes.
A member of my group also belonged to the nature photographers group so we came to attend Thompson's 4:30 to 6:30 open house and, later, a nature walk with his members at Huntington Beach State Park.
Unfortunately, I had to get back to Charleston so I missed the stroll on the beach.
It looked like he had a sizable number of members with cameras so I'm sure it was a delightful evening.
Quite a few cameras, bags and accessories were placed on the swap-and-sell table in the gallery.
Both film and digital items were up for grabs.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
A group like this knows NOT to stare at the camera.
I enjoyed their cooperation and sipped another glass of wine.
Nice day.
Labels: " Litchfield Beach, "Sean, Awendaw, Big Tuna, Coastal Carolina Nature Photographers, Geoffrey Sean Thompson, Georgetown, hush puppies, McClellanville, paper mill, Pawley's Island, T.W.Graham seafood restaurant