Beards and Beers....
OK, many of us have heard about the (CSU) Charleston Southern University professor who got fired because of beer.No, not for drinking it.
For having his picture plastered on cans of the evil stuff.
Seems the school, formerly called Baptist College of Charleston, is very stern about drinking and, I guess, anything at all that has to do with it.
The man has a great beard but it was carefully groomed for the photo shoot and REALLY grabs your attention!
Associate Professor Paul Roof does not look like his in his everyday life, on or off campus.

In fact when I shaved it off, my friends eyed me suspiciously and asked if I was wearing a new sweater.
Or maybe a flashy (narrow knit) tie.
I had to remind them I used to have a beard!
For half a decade.
Hairy faces on beer labels is hardly new.
This poor Scot has to juggle a hefty glass of foamy thirst-quencher AND a set of bagpipes.
More than likely, while wearing a kilt and topped by a jaunty tam 'o shanter.
Last time I held a mug that large was at Okktoberfest in Munich. Which, of course, happens in September.

Especially if he has a double-head axe resting on his plaid-shirted shoulder.
And a knit cap.
(What's with beer and guys wearing facial hair AND a hat?)
Babe the Blue Ox often would be included in the image of axe-toting Paul Bunyan.
Well, I lived in Minnesota for a year (yes, it was Winter every day) and the image has stayed with me.
Even in the heat and humidity of a Charleston August.
Another bearded beer that caught my eye is Rico Sauvin, an American IPA with an ABV of 7.60%.
This was some quick research conducted in the fairly new TBC (The Beer Cellar) near 1050 E. Montague in North Charleston's Park Circle area. It's Suite "D" so come around the corner. You'll spot it easily. Has a tiny wooden deck.
The two owners were patient with me and my camera as I moved things around to get shots of hairy faces on labels and posters of beer cans and bottles.
John Judson, left, and Ryan Hendrick, have put together a large assortment of craft beers - and growler fills - in a rather small space.
They quickly picked up on where I was going...linking beers and beards.
Well, they have a right to be as they are involved with both.
(Click on the photos for more detail.)
Like most people, I keep two empty growler jugs, cushioned, in the trunk of my car.
This way, when I come across a tasty draft beer new to me, I can have a bottle filled, sealed and take it home.
Hmm, my new diet has really slammed that shut but I'm working on eating more veggies to offset the carbs and sugars that make beer taste so good!
My bare-faced approach to this posting has NOT tempted me to re-grow my beard.
In the past it was thick and dark blonde.
Now, it would be salt with no pepper.
Labels: Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse, associate professor, Baptist College, CSU, growler jugs, John Judson, Paul Roof, Rico Sauvin, Ryan Hendrick, S&P, TBC, The Beer Cellar, Timber Beast
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