Same photo....50 years later.
I sent this photo story to a newsletter I receive every day from San Diego.
The editor, Jack Reber, does a fine job of cajoling us former editorial employees of the Union-Tribune metro newspapers to send in articles of interest, asides, whatever-happened-to, and remember-when memories to share with about 500 of us.
CHUCK BOYD writes:
I'm not saying I have HUGE photo files but I do have some classics that never grow old.
Some are worth being printed in a newspaper...twice. This time it was more than 50 years later.
In the 1960s, we staff photographers at the Union-Tribune were encouraged to keep an eye out for some good caption-only photos.
Editors could drop them in to fill spaces, families were impressed and pleased when their children were the subjects and it was particularly special when the children pictured were your own!
I know one year Phil McMahan and I worked on a Halloween picture of our two young boys with scary masks taped to a large mirror.
When the boys turned and saw themselves reflected as if they were wearing the, click, we had a shot the editors could run in October!
Fellow staffer C.R. Learn brought his young daughter to meet us and our son Chris, ready for a Valentine's Day photo in Balboa Park on a quiet Sunday morning.
His young daughter was posed holding a tiny bow up in the air - a "Cupid's Arrow" had been stuck into a large red cardboard heart held by my 3-year old son - and the final picture showed her hugging a protesting youngster.
Bull's Eye. Those ran as a 3-photo combo.
Now, more than half a century later, my photo of my son and seven neighborhood kids splashing in a small inflatable pool for a hot weather" photo, appeared in a newspaper again.
My hometown paper, The Post and Courier, runs a Sunday feature photo of a given topic, and this week it was “Play.”
I recalled the cute summertime photo that ran in San Diego all those years ago and thought it presented the "Play" topic well. I submitted it last week and the editors agreed.
I sent a clipping to my son and to some local members of a photo group I founded here about 8 years ago.
My son knows I have others of him that appeared in the 1960s San Diego papers.
REBER: I love this photo, and it reinforces what I’ve always said: The best photogs do a lot of their work before they even pick up the camera. Getting seven kids in one small pool and keeping them there for a photo is an accomplishment.
(The caption I added this time was "One kid brought a face mask. I might have misstated how large a pool it was!")
Labels: Kids pose the funniest way, Photo used in newspaprs TWICE...50 years apart, PLAY time, Splish-Splash
FINALLY, a safe haircut!!
So I had my last regular (every5-6 weeks) haircut in Early February.. just before COVID-19 became an everyday reality in our lives.
Man, that was a long time ago.
I am doing my part to flatten the curve. More than likely, saving lives!
Wearing my mask, doing social distancing, and washing my hands or reaching for my handy small bottle of Purell.
Have not gone out much, mainly nearby Food Lion for groceries, I miss indoor music venues, restaurants, and visiting our amazing varieties of Charleston's terrific Craft beer breweries.

My timing actually was very good as everything shut down and people hunkered down at home.
I moved forward with my plan to add a screened porch addition to a part of the 35-foot long deck across the back of my house.
In addition to having a delightful place to sit outside on a balmy evening (with NO bugs), my 8-year old INSIDE cat Wallis now can wander around - almost outside - watching squirrels scampering and react to birds singing to her.
The virus shutdowns encouraged me to replace the treadmill downstairs in my mini-gym.
I have a small tv monitor showing ROKU entertainment as I do my 30- minutes treading.
Then some weights activity, and finally, on my ExerCycle for 10 minutes. Whew. Sweaty.
But feels so GOOD!
I wanted to share my elation with having my hair cut at a nearby salon that followed all the Virus mandates!
I was comfortable that virus safety rules and regulations were observed with both the cutter and the cuttee (me) wearing masks in a client-restricted and controlled sterile setting.
The owner was a neighbor and I had felt sorry she had to shut down for a LONG time before the OK was given to re-open with certain safety restrictions.
I hesitated for a while and watched daily reports on coronavirus activity that were charted daily.
She is on North Rhett and I suggest you check out the fine service - and style - she offers at her small
Revamp Salon shop.
I used to go to a national chain every 5-6 weeks or so to keep my hair neat and short.
Casting Directors seemed to like my neatly-trimmed white beard.
I was chosen for many Extra roles/Background actor times on set at various tv show shooting here and in movies down in Savannah.
BUT, it's a hiatus on
The Righteous Gemstones, Season 2, on HBO, so I opted to shave my face.
Nothing was shooting on any sound stages.
Easy to grow another beard when casting activity starts up again.
Of course, I took out my Pixel 3XL phone- cam to capture this months-long awaited tonsure-cutting adventure.
I joked that they might want to use my white hair clumps on my lap and all over the floor to make a fluffy stuffed pillow.
The 4-room salon had a waiting area for me to sit and browse a book on The Beatles. Saw a shot of them in 1964 on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Always interested in photos of the Beatles and this one covered the early years quite well.
I had attended a Beatle concert in San Diego in 1964 and saw Paul McCartney a few times.
Then I was taken alone into the hair shampoo station and, finally into the 2-chair styling room when the other chair emptied.
Everything was cleaned and I settled in for my long-awaited trim.
Snip, snip it all was done with scissors.
Oh, it felt good to be neat and tidy again!
I have been sending out photos as my hirsute situation slowly grew worse and worse.
I plan to send these out to family and friends to show I was once again the face they remembered before I grew the beard
And fought the virus by staying safely at home.
Now, I just need a cold beer!
(Hey, you know the drill on the photos and links to see more details.)
Thanks for stopping by. Please come by again.
Labels: every 5-weeks?Virus isolation from the barber shop and lots of other stuff., haircut, scissor-action, trim
Great Company and OUTDOOR fresh air...

A dear friend and I have just had a second meal together during the pandemic.
We agreed on a time and place (her house in West Ashley) and I arrived on time with a bottle of white wine.
Again, we sat outside on her cozy patio, seated at least 6-feet apart on a cool Saturday afternoon.
Joan had set up a large fan, directed toward me, and a smaller "personal" USB fan covering her end of the table.
Apart, we removed our masks and felt safe conversing as we dug into the Philly Cheesesteak hoagies that had been delivered to her front door just after I arrived.
Oh, great, she had them add french fries too!
When we dined like this before, I did not take any photos of the very large brown bear in her back yard,
She had just painted it and was going to get some blue paint to clean up the base. I asked about the glaucoma-white eyes and she said some of the blue paint would add back the missing pupils!
This is her largest "guest mascot" but she reminded me she has a full-size mermaid in her house.
Trying to figure the "size" of a mythical figure, I let that comment stand.
Joan added there was a real wooden Cigar Store Indian in her garage breezeway.
This fun friend likes her 2nd new house after leaving a longtime residence on the peninsula.
The empty discarded beer cans and finding her driveway often blocked were some of the downsides she said of living in the Historic District.
A very nice backyard here was a great setting for our outside visit and meal.
I commented on the cute storage shed she had a local craftsman make. The added stain glass window at the top utilized another of her varied keepsakes.
Joan and I were "fellow bloggers" for a few years after I started but the sparse fans of my efforts were minor compared to her huge audience!
Lately, she has found that her posting on Facebook boosts her already gigantic gang of followers to dizzying proportions!
I always learn new things from her so I will explore her suggestions on how to reach more people with the 7 or 8 postings a month that I write and place online.

I said I had just ordered my
2018-2020 postings to be Volume 6 of the series I started with
Blog2Print bound books quite a few years ago. Joan laughed and said she had too many to even consider doing that...but she did jot down the online link.
I drove home, very pleased to have spent some relaxing time with Joan again.
During this pandemic, she and I have also shared a meal at my house, sitting socially-distanced, on my new screened porch addition to my deck.
Isolation is not that bad when you can share it with a delightful, interesting friend.
My cat liked her too. (You know how I do on the photos and links for more details.)
And, please, wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing!
Labels: fellow blogger, full-size mermaid, Joan Perry, newly-painted big brown bear, real wooden Cigar Store Indian, West Ashley backyard dining