..and now for something new.

Many people have switched from using film to digital SLRs and Point-and-Shoot (P/S) cameras.
Kodak is keenly aware of this major change from nearly a century of making - and selling - film.
The highly portable cameras of today are a far cry from the early days when photos were taken either on glass slides or tin types coated with light sensitive materials.
Today's cameras have shutters that click at 1/1600 of a second (or faster). Back then, exposure started when the photographer removed the lens cap and people had to stay rigid for anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes.
Standing behind the large bulky camera sitting atop a wooden tripod and draped with a black cloth, the photographer of the 1880s would not say
"Smile" instead, he or she would say
"Freeze. Stand still. Don't move a muscle." 
Now we say "cheese" and capture the moment in an instant.
There are digital cams than can detect if one of the subjects blinked.
Or you set a timer, step into the frame and it takes 3 quick shots. Yikes.
Years ago I decided to use a very compact P/S made by Canon and I have been able to have a camera with me almost all the time.
Others use larger camera with different lenses and attachments and they carry all this equipment in a heavy bag slung from their shoulder. They had more features on their cameras but I seldom left mine at home.

The needed
middle ground may have arrived with my new Canon S90.
Low light photography. Higher ISO without noise. Setting the camera by shutter speed or aperture. A larger light sensor than ever before. The ability to shoot RAW. Bracketing.
Yep, I can do all that now with a camera that weighs just 6 ounces.
The 8GB digital memory card says I can capture 2,000 images.
Eat your heart out
Mathew B. Brady.
(As usual, click the color photos to see more detail. The B&W shot is from the internet.)
Labels: 1880s photography, Canon S90, Civil War photographer, Mathew B. Brady, P/S cameras, shooting RAW
300th Blog Begets Blog....

I wanted something dramatic to announce my
300th blog posting.
Her's an image I found on the internet. (Even though many of my photos do appear here, I did NOT create this one.)
This is an example of
Creative License I hope and not something that gets me involved in a copyright lawsuit. Good grief.
This March will mark the
fourth year I have been doing a blog and it has been a wonderful and satisfying experience.
As some may recall, it all started with a suggestion from my friend Dan Conover a few years after I had retired from
The Post and Courier.
He was into New Media and was trying to drag the paper into the 21st Century.
Well, he convinced me. Thanks again Dan!
Lately I have progressed to the point where I am selling items online (and in the paper's classified ads) and using my blog experience to illustrate what I have for sale.
That is so neat!
Here's my old Underwood that dates back to the 1920-1930s. I'm getting phone calls from collectors who like the
$75 price and the condition it is in.
So my 300th posting touts
another blog I've created.
Go ahead, take a look. We can talk.

We all have things we'll never use again and, as they say, these might be a treasure to someone else.
I also use
Craigslist but the newspaper seems to attract a "better" buying audience.
Newspaper readers give me a call, make an appointment and then really do come by.
Not a one has mentioned money orders, the use of pre-paid moving companies or the need for me to send any money to them.
Nigeria has not come up in conversation either
Just treasure hunters.
(You know the drill. As usual, click on "my" photos to see them larger. There's an amazing amount of details.)
Labels: 18" high hand-pump extinguisher, Craigslist, Dan Conover, Fyr Fyter, New Media, typewriter, Underwood #5
Coming Soon ....Nice New Views
Bowens Island Restaurant.
Stunning sunsets over the Stono River. Better than ever.
Wait a minute...how do you get up THAT high?
That's from the deck of the NEW dining room replacing the landmark that burned to the ground in 2007, changing a legend that started in 1947.
Robert Barber says it'll be a few more months before he opens the new place but last Tuesday he invited me to walk up and take a look. So I did.

Since the fire, when you go to
Bowens on Folly Road you eat in the heated, covered dock house on pilings over the water.
When the new place opens, you'll dine upstairs in a similar room that's twice as wide and twice as long.
Barber kept the Dock House look and it'll have the same wide pop-out windows so you're surrounded by great views.
I'm pretty sure that round window way up high is new.

(Click on the photos to enlarge and see more detail.)
Labels: Bowens Island restaurant, new building, oysters, Stono River
The Missing Cat

I heard the wind howling and the rain came pounding down hard.
The trees lost their nice looking orange Fall leaves.
Later the cat went to the door letting me know he wanted
"out." I am finally learning to understand
Can't speak it yet but he has trained me well.
Now I can't find him.
I can hear him so I know he's close.
Labels: Orange Fall leaves, orange striped cat, orange you glad I posted this
Officially I'm "a fine reviewer"

After you retire from a newspaper, you still want to "be a part" somehow. I was fortunate that the Movie & Book Editor let me continue doing book reviews.
A few years ago I reviewed a book by
David Baldacci and, during a Post and Courier Author's luncheon I attended, this New York Times best selling writer was one of the guest speakers.
During book signings I mentioned that I had reviewed one of his earlier books and he added his comment about my
critic prowess to the autograph he wrote in the front of the book I was buying.
Hey, it was the author's opinion!
Now, I have reviewed another of David's books. It appeared in the paper last week.
Maybe I'll go online and see if he's appearing at any nearby book signings.
No, that might be considered "stalking."

On the right is the frontspiece of the book David signed for me.
Well, he really hadn't read the review I had written so he was being gracious.
NYT best selling gracious.
(Click on my recent review to make it larger and easier to read.)
Labels: author's luncheon, Book Editor, book signings. celebrity stalking, David Baldacci, New York Times best seller, NYT