The BIG 200th ....

I wanted something REALLY special to write about for my
200th posting on this blog.
"Squirrel Nut Zippers" at the Music Farm the other night.
What a rollicking, bounce around, toe-tappin', foot-stompin' good time. Found myself in the middle of the dance floor as bodies gyrated to the music and swirled all around me. Jimbo Mathus had 'em dancing in the aisles - and every where else.
There even was a Conga line snaking through the crowd.

Over in Mt. Pleasant, at A Dough Re Mi, a last minute venue change brought us
Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band for even more foot pounding music.
The Rev's wife - Breezy Peyton - attacked her washboard with a passion and her gloved hands were flying with thimbles on her finger tips. Brother Jayme was on drums.

The last time the trio from Indiana was in Charleston, they played at the Map Room.
"We must of had 200-250 people there. That was a really great place to play."Their new CD is titled
"Whole Fam Damnily."Labels: 200th posting, Jimbo Mathus, Music Farm, Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band, Squirrel Nut Zippers, whole fam damnily
Super Doppler? Udderly Easy.
"If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes."I've heard that in every place I've lived.....and that's a LOT of places.
Weather is a good conversation topic... but,
predicting the weather is another story.
Just ask professional weatherman
Bill Walsh or former-mustache-wearer
Rob Fowler.

These are high profile people in our community and respected individuals in their trade of meteorology.
I seriously doubt either has a copy of the
Norwegian weather chart I picked up in Minneapolis many years ago.(Hmm..fellow blogger - and budding weather person - Jared Smith probably would like to have one hanging on his wall.)
Yes. I did edit an online photo of Mr. Fowler and sent him a copy of how PhotoShop and I thought he could lessen the impact of losing his trademark mustache - shave his head as well.
He did not heed my input - Rob shaved just the 'stache for charity - but I received a note that he appreciated my attempt at humor.
No T-storms over my suggestion. Just clear skies and a slight westerly breeze.
(This is my 199th posting and I'm working on a suitable 200th.)
Labels: Bill Walsh, Count On 2, mustache, Rob Fowler, Super doppler, TV5, weather predictions
The "Buck" Stops Here ......
You don't hear
"Price check?!?" booming over the PA too often at the
Dollar Tree Store or at
Dollar General.
Of course, as a friend of mine explained,
"You don't have to get all dressed up to shop there like you have to at Wal-Mart."In Toronto, Canada a few years ago, I was surprised to see a
"Just Loonies" version of the low price concept.
That was not that long ago and the Canadian dollar (called a Loonie) WAS worth less than 99 cents in US money. Now, of course, it's equal or better.
Last month, in Amsterdam, I saw today's equivelent...because people in the Nethelands are cost conscious too. On "The Continent" the Euro now is worth $1.50 US dollars.
Those souvenir nail clippers I was looking at would really have cost me $7.50. But, they did have the eye-catching logo of Amsterdam which is "XXX."

That would have been a bargain as a conversation-starter.
Labels: - Euro store, 5, dollar general, dollar tree, loonies, nail clippers, XXX souvenir
Don't Like Labels ....

Last night I was greeting members arriving for the monthly gathering of the
21st Century Photography Meetup group, something I started last February.
(It's the 2nd Wednesday of the month so please stop by.)
Each person is asked to sign in and fill out a name tag to wear. Nice little routine that gets people to introduce themselves.
I was suddenly reminded of a convention I had attended years ago in Chicago.
After a full day of sessions and travel industry trade talk, I was glad to plop down on a bar stool and enjoy a cold beer in the Windy City. A fellow seated next to me asked
"Been having a good day Chuck?"I looked up and I was sure I didn't know him. I asked
"I'm sorry, have we met?" He smiled and said
"You're wearing a red name tag that says Chuck Boyd."Sure enough, it was still stuck on my lapel and we both laughed as I peeled it off.
He said
"Do you want to hear something really strange?""Sure," I said and he answered
"MY name is Chuck Boyd too."He showed me his driver's license and, yep, Charles Boyd of Waukegan, Illinois. Well, he DID have a different middle initial.
Hey..come on, this wasn't an episode of
Twilight Zone.
Labels: Chicago, convention. name badge, labels, Travel trade, Twilight Zone, Windy City
Party Animal.

Freshfield Village is on Johns Island, at the entrance to Kiawah.
It's also home of the 3rd annual
American Music Celebration. The organizer is well-known local Bluesman Shrimp City Slim (aka Gary Erwin) who slipped this in last Sunday before he and Wanda Johnson flew out Tuesday to Macau, China for a Blues gig.
It was a balmy day and a beautiful setting for some varied music.
The opener was funky string band
The Wiyos, formerly out of Brooklyn but now scattered all around.

The talented
"washboard swing" group comes back Thursday,
October 23 for a FREE 7:00pm show at the Main Library on Calhoun Street.
It's always great when I can talk about a good show AND say it can be seen again very shortly.
The Nouveaux Honkies brought their roots-rock roadhouse sound up from Florida and a fiddle and group vocals were heard in the land.
Gary described them as
"the crossroads between the honky-tonk and the juke joint."Also on the program was
Joey Gilmore and his "swamp soul" band and
Studebaker John & The Hawks with their Chicago Blues distinctive sound.
Most of these performers probably will be back in February for Gary's 19th annual Blues Bash.
(As usual, click on the photo to enlarge for details.)
Labels: American Music Celebration, Freshfields Village, HonkyTonk, Joey Gilmore, juke joint, Kiawah Island, Nouveaux Honkies, string band, Studebaker John, The Wiyos
There's A Green Monster Behind Me...

Post-season baseball in Boston.
More to come?
Maybe a chance to win an 8th World Series title?.
Green Monster wall in Fenway Park towers VERY high when you stand at the bottom.
The players naturally don't have their hands in their pockets but I was taking a tour of the stadium a few years ago - just AFTER the 2006 World Series - and it was a very cold day.
The leaves were changing colors and it was a fine time to be a visitor in Boston.
Boston Red Sox had won the Series in 2004 - for the first time since their last win in 1918 - won again in 2007 and currently are the reigning Champions.
Let's see how the playoffs go.
Green Monster is waiting.
Labels: 1918 World Series, 2007 reigning champions, Boston Red Sox. pasttime, Fenway Park, Green Monster, New England, outfield, World Series
Since I am the worst person in the world to know how to include a link in my blog, this is pretty gutsy.
Hope it works so you can see that I was tapped to be a "random" candidate for President of the United States. (If there is no obvious link, simply click on the red colored headline shown up above).
Me as POTUS himself.
As if the country isn't in enough trouble right now.

Labels: DC, nomination, POTUS, President, random candidate, The Capitol, trouble, Washington