Friday, October 18, 2019

A visitor from the North..... well, Carolina.

 So, I have this new online buddy who lives just about in the middle of North Carolina.

He mentioned he likes to drive - and that's good - because he's about 200 miles north of me.

I found he was not kidding about getting behind the wheel and taking off.

After we chatted quite a bit, I invited him down for a tour of my hometown.

Over several months, he has come down for four weekends and we have enjoyed many activities like musical comedy, and a mystery theater where I got to play a role and have actual lines from a script.

I prepared and did a good reading, getting the laughs I wanted.

(I have been doing work as an Extra in tv and movies filming here - and in Savannah - and this was the first time I had a chance to actually speak as an actor!)

His nickname is Simon and we both have beards.

Well, his facial hair has been growing for SEVEN YEARS. In a crowd when we pass people, someone will remark "Hey, man that is a helluva beard!"

I usually look back and say "Thank you."

He just rolls his eyes at my antics.

Having a beard so long - both in time and length - he wears it in several different ways.

It pumps up wildly when just shampooed (as seen above) during a windy Blues Weekend up in Camden.

Many of the bluesmen had beards so we felt very much at home there.

During one weekend here, I took Simon by the downtown Beard Shop, just to get their reaction!

On this day, he had "toned down" the bushy effect but the three bindings drew comments from passers-by.

Naturally, I did my silly quip each time.

It's nice having a buddy new to Charleston and being able to show him the sights - and sounds - of my hometown.

He liked the acts that Shrimp City Slim had put together for his 23rd Carolina Downhome Blues Festival annual Blues in Camden.

The t-shirt this year featured "Cacka-Lacky's" own Drink Small, the 86-year old Blues Doctor who killed them in concert! Had folks dancin' in the aisles.

Most recently, we went to Charleston Music Hall to see the Scottish stand-up comedian Craig Ferguson. (Click this link!)

Simon hadn't heard of him despite Craig hosting CBS's Late, Late Show for ten years.

Well, Craig, his robot side-kick and Secretariat, the 2-men-in-a-horse outfit, did step away from the show five years ago.

He has been touring and hosting some game shows...but I remembered him well.

Well, after the almost 2-hour show ended, Simon and I headed back to my car parked at the corner on King Street.

 BUT...we were distracted there by a gentleman sitting on a stool, surrounded by parrots and other "birds" the Brits say.

Several giggling young co-eds, each with a bird on her head, shoulder or hand, were communing with avian Nature!

I suggested that Simon get in the act and they both did well..a pirate look ..Aaarrgh!

And no pecks or bites on his neatly-braided beard.

You know the drill with my on the links and the photos for more details. Thanks for stopping by. I promise to post more often!

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At Sat Oct 26, 09:49:00 PM , Blogger Charlestonjoan said...

THAT is a very impressive beard!


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