A flashing highlight of my military career...
Hey, a Combat Photographer in the Marines in the 1950s had to make his mark somewhere! In the "old Corps."
(Fortunately) it was a peaceful period, nobody shooting at anybody and I was assigned to the Base Photo Lab at
Camp LeJeune, N.C., a member of Headquarters Batt., Support Company B, of the Second Marine Division.
Most of my work centered on parades at LeJeune, Changes of Command, official portraits and tons of "Grip & Grin" setups.
Somewhere in my files is a shot of ME shaking hands and smiling as an officer congratulated me on - I suppose - gaining my Corporal E-4 stripes.
My favorite experience was during one of those General-shakes-hands-with-a-deserving-Marine standard photos, in the General's office.
His aide stood to one side holding an extension flash, connected to me with a long black cord, as I focused and snapped the shutter on my Speed Graphic 4x5 camera.
As sometimes happens with a #5 flashbulb if its protective coating has a scratch, when it flashed, it exploded with a LOUD bang! While very little glass is projected, it IS a startling sudden event.
The young man being honored flinched, as I recall, but the battle-tested Marine General had immediately dropped to his knees, defensive combat ready, and looked up at me in surprise.
His aide quickly assisted his boss back up as I shouted: "Oh shit, did I hit you General?"
He sternly looked at me as he brushed his pants and said "No, Corporal, I am fine. Carry on."
We reshot the photo, no bulbs exploded.
I quickly packed my gear and retreated...holding back a smile.
In combat, a photographer would seldom use a flash.
They can be dangerous.
Later, in the still peacful era, my duties were mainly Public Relations with the Corps.
I got so bored, I volunteered to accompany a Tank Battalion to cover its 4-months of rugged training on a small island called Vieques, off the east coast of Puerto Rico.
The entire island was later sold by the Navy and today is a palm-shrouded, tourism mecca.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for wandering through my Marine military memories.
Looking back, it had its moments and was a fun time.
Semper Fi.
Labels: #5 flashbulb, 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, Cpl E-4, Grip & Grin, HQ Battalion, Marine helicopters, Oh shit!, Support Company B, Tank Battalion, Vieques Island off Puerto Rico
Mayor has a Pink Martini...
Pink Martini, a 13-person "Little Orchestra" from Portland, played at the Gaillard last Tuesday night.
It's the first time they've been to Charleston.
Mayor John Tecklenberg was invited by the leader Thomas Lauderdale to sit in on piano. He came out with his music chart, did a piece as Thomas' PhoneCam captured the musical moment.
At the end of the show, the Mayor was asked to lead a
Conga line around the hall.
Handed a tambourine, his honor led a growing crowd up, down, and across the aisles to laughter and applause.
I don't recall former Mayor Joe Riley ever being asked to do that.
But, he did serve a span of 40 years, so it may have been requested.
I thought about joining the end of the line as he passed in front of me (twice).
Instead, I held back and wielded my camera to capture an interesting moment with our new Mayor.
Meanwhile, as they say, the band played on. It reminded me of Lawrence Welk when various band members took the microphone and sang .... in 9 different languages!
It was formed in Portland in 1994, by Lauderdale, who was thinking about running for Mayor so he attended many speeches and observed that political rallies were ill-served by random musicians, hired to "entertain."
He felt they were underwhelming, lackluster and, mainly, just loud. These rallies deserved better so that was the origin of the group.
The talented lead singer was Storm Large, a 5-year veteran, who told the story of her first performance with the large group.
She had to learn songs in Spanish and Croatian, in 4 days.
Oh, and by the way, her opening venue was the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Even though I did not tag along on the Conga, it was a fun and eventful evening at the Gaillard Center.
Footnote: Received this email today:
Good afternoon, Chuck:
Thank you so much for your e-mail and for the wonderful blog post and pictures detailing my performance with the Pink Martini Orchestra last Tuesday evening. I so enjoyed playing with them and leading the Conga line as well! I appreciate you sending me the pictures and blog to enjoy and share with my staff and family. Thank you for all you do to cover music in Charleston and beyond.
Most sincerely yours,
John J. Tecklenburg |Mayor
City of Charleston|Executive Department
80 Broad Street Street|Charleston, SC 29401
54.77 GB (47%) of 116 GB used
Last account activity: 0 minutes ago
| tecklenburgj@charleston-sc.gov |
Labels: "Little Orchestra, "Storm Large, Conga Line., John Tecklenberg, Pink Martini, Portland., Tambourine, Thomas Lauderdale, Timothy Nishimoto
A Toast To Paris and to the people of France...
It didn't take me long to see that a 2-day visit to Paris 30 years ago, was just a peek, a glimpse. If that.
Spending more than a week there last month let me see just how much I missed the first time around.
Not just the increased time there, but the long walks, sidewalk cafes, constant attention-grabbers, diversity everywhere you looked and a smug feeling I was really getting into the spirit and rhythm of the city .
The first thing I noticed when I left Charleston and landed in Paris at CDG (Charles De Gaulle)...
The weather was cooler and the humidity was low.
The French really know how to make you feel welcome! Especially in the Summer.

As I walked towards the famed pyramids in front of the Louvre, I thought for a moment that they were gone. Poof!
Then I realized there was a huge image - in black & white - showing the building behind.

What a stunning concept. Stand in the perfect spot and everything lined up perfectly.
Everywhere, there were reminders of heightened security after several vicious terrorist attacks in Europe.
Seeing heavy police presence and armed soldiers on duty, patrolling and protecting the city, its people, and its treasures was comforting.
Inside the Louvre, one better have a plan.
There is so much to see so make a list and scope out where the galleries are located.
Of course, others may have the same plan but, be patient. Crowds ebb and flow, even in front of the famed
Mona Lisa. I DID - eventually - get right up front. Nobody shouted "Smile!"
As a bonus while inside Notre Dame, a choir of young ladies (nuns?) assembled and sang a few hymns.
I set my camera on video to capture their voices as their joyful music echoed around the huge interior of the beautiful church.

Lots of museums, churches and palaces in and around Paris.
Overlooking the city from Montmartre, the highest point, is the
Sacre Coeur, the Sacred Heart Basilica.
A taxi was needed for the long hike up there.
Crowds were massed on the stairs leading up the final incline.

This offered some very good scenes for my camera.
I spotted two ladies sharing a patterned parasol for shade.
I concentrated on making them the focal point as I looked out over the city from this elevation.
That is an excellent idea I try to fulfill - getting up high and seeing the overall view - when I travel.
Another is to take a city tour, noting places and images I want to come back to and spend more time.
I never had THIS view of the steps inside the Arc de Triomphe.
Luckily my buddy, who planned most of the trip, found there is an elevator option.
It got a bit complicated finding the right person to authorize me to forego climbing the 289 steps to the top.
Once that person was located, it was a quick trip up in the elevator and he then apologized that I had to climb the final 46 steps to the Terrasse, with its panoramic view of Paris.
Looking west, in a direct line from the Arc, is
LaGrande Arche de la Defense.
(Mostly) opened in 1989, this white modern square
* is a salute to peace.
It provides a reverse view of the AXE, the series of monuments standing in a straight line.
In 1944, the Arc was the center point of a WWII victory parade.
This honored the French hero-General Charles de Gaulle.
Today, that Champs-Elysees parade route is filled with expensive shops and stores.
My camera tried to capture an interesting juxtaposition of "then and now."
This is the front of the Paris City Hall.
The colorful rainbow banners are in place for the upcoming Gay Pride Week in the city.
Dining "inside a clock" is a quirky feature of the
Mussee d'Orsay.
The former train station was converted into an excellent display of paintings and sculpture.
It warrants a long visit and perhaps a meal behind one of the two massive clocks that face the Seine.
Each evening we were greeted at out apartment by a wise pigeon who perches on our balcony railing.
It is the same distinctive one who knows our place has changing tenants who need to be reminded to put out food when they leave for the day.
We complied and each evening, the pile of tasty dry cereal is gone. That is a very plump pigeon.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)

I enjoy looking at these photos and reliving an excellent visit overseas. Hope you have a similar pleasure in seeing them.
*Oh, here's a view of the "other" Arche in West Paris:
(Thanks for stopping by. Click on the pictures and links for more details.) Merci.
Au Revoir.
Labels: Avoir, AXE, Mona Lisa, Montmarte Butte, plump pigeon. La Grande Arche de la Defense, Pride Week, Sacre Couer, transparent pyramid at the Louvre, West Paris
I "Kilt" them in Scotland.
During a changing-of-the-guard at
Edinburgh's Castle, I wondered if I was being watched?
I had wandered up the hill, crossed the Esplanade (drill field) and entered through the spiked front gate.
Crowds all around me snapped photos and dodged quick bursts of rain, amid the military spectacle of this fabled Scottish landmark.
But, could this guard actually see me.... or anyone else?
You can see the Castle from almost all parts of this
capital city.
August 5-27, the "temporary" bleachers will be filled nightly as the Military Tattoo is performed on the very ground I had just walked on to reach the entrance.
The guide on a really neat Vintage Bus Tour had explained the bleachers.
They are set up each year for the gala month-long gathering of pipers and dancers.
"Three months to build, about 30 days of use, and then, disassembled and stored," he said with a delightful heavy brogue.
Later, as I walked and cabbed about the three levels of the city, I saw a reminder of the recent Brexit vote that allowed Britain to leave the European Union.
Scotland, and others in the United Kingdom, had voted to remain.
Looking down, I saw a Scottish version of Charleston's Rainbow Row.
We don't have such a lofty view of our colorful stretch near the Battery.
And we have never had flapping banners hanging overhead.
Another "rainbow" was sighted along the tour route.
This was a salute of LGBT support after the recent massacre in Orlando, Florida.
Back to the Castle for a moment.
Looking over a projecting cannon, I could see that our balcony room was in the sights.
Well, we had a grand view of the Castle from the balcony so this was not a total surprise.
The occasional rain and wind made holding an umbrella a challenge.
We had opted instead for two "Mackintosh," waterproof parkas.
These Macs doubled for warmth when, later, we ventured into the Highlands in search of the Loch Ness Monster.
Paris was definitely a "walking" kind of place.
But, Edinburgh, with its steep hills, gave us many opportunities to hop in and out of a black cab.
The efficient interior reminded me of the old U.S. Checker cabs in NYC.
Saw several buskers, amusing and teasing passersby, demonstrating feats of balance, poise, and concentration.
The Illusionists had apparently found ways to defy gravity.
And fatigue.
I dropped a few pounds into the hat.
A sign I didn't see very often - and then one often ignored by tourists - was a ban on cameras.
Finally saw one that specifically told us not to use a smartphone camera either.
I saw a LOT of Scotch whisky.
And I tasted a few, so I finally had to ask what was the main difference between 12-year old and a whopping 25-year old Scotch?
"Mainly, the price," I was told.
Ageing took longer so there were fewer to be had. Therefore, a higher cost.
And, speaking of lucky (?), many believed that rubbing the foot of this statue would bring you luck.
I did so because why would I pass up a chance for good fortune?
And, on that upbeat note, I'll stop for now.
Oh, I have plenty more pictures so there will be lots of additional entries. (Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for riding around in cabs and peering over cannons with me.
Have a wee dram and we'll get back together soon.
Labels: 25-year old Scotch, Brexit vote, Edinburgh Castle, Esplanade, Illusionists, LGBT support, lucky statue toe, Mac, Mackintosh, Military Tattoo, wee dram of whisky
Faces in the crowd...
Eight days in Paris, you see a LOT of sights.
The Eiffel Tower. The Arc de Triomphe. Notre Dame.
But I also chose some people's faces.
Some are regular "street photos" in a foreign setting.
This ad for a croissant breakfast made me smile.
These young ladies were posing a vertical "selfie" with Notre Dame in the background.
At least I hope some of the grand church made it into their photo.
Most shots like this show just the four faces.
That could have been taken at home back in Ohio.
I think it was nice for this man to put on a bow tie to take his niece to see the
Sacre Coeur Basilica.
This street photo happened because I saw his wild hair and zoomed in for a shot.
I was seated in an artsy area and caught a few more stand-out faces to add to my Paris collection.

An obviously very tired merchant had found a quiet spot to catch a few winks.
I was not close enough to hear actual snores but I sense he was approaching REM sleep mode.
A pity he would have to snap awake and get back to tending busy weekend crowds.
This waiter had stepped away from his restaurant to grab a smoke and survey the people passing by his establishment.
Better they would stop, come in and be seated.
Then he could serve them properly and continue the tradition of fine French service and attitude.
But he appears to be a bit judgmental.
These munching faces ABOVE the arches appear to have gone for a Happy Meal experience along the famed Champs d' Elysees.
A small bottle of water there was 3 Euros. Pricey rent I suppose.
Here is a gathering of faces taken with my longest setting of my zoom lens.
I was at the 900-foot level at the top of the Eiffel Tower, looking down at the very large Fan Zone.
These soccer fans filled about 3/4 of the space for 90,000 near the base of the tower. They were watching a quarter-final match being played elsewhere in France.

This is probably the largest "face" I saw this day.
This rhino - and a full-size elephant statue - were on display outside the
Musee d'Orsay.
As if it were not imposing enough, I ventured to use a fish eye effect setting on my camera, to make the head and horn even more pronounced. Yes, overkill.

As a final period of people-watching, I present a classic scene of
"one day you're the pigeon and another day, you're the statue."
This statue was either very new or had been pressure-washed clean recently.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for tagging along as I wander around Paris, with my camera.
Let's stop for a spell at a cafe and have a latte. Maybe even a pastry?
Labels: Basilica Sacre-Coeur d' Montmartre, Champs d'Elysees, croissant breakfast sign, selfie shot at Notre Dame