Something Old and Something New...

On the final day of Spoleto 2011 I went to see CIRCA at Memminger Auditorium. The last time I had been there I was in high school. That qualifies as REALLY "old."
That was back about when Hula Hoops first became popular.
The CIRCA Australian acrobats put on quite a show - throwing themselves into the air and slamming back to earth. Swinging from ropes that dangled from above. Contorting their bodies. Combining for wonderous actions. Wow.

Seeing an artist at work inspired me to choose an "artistic filter" to affect my photo of him starting his painting.
I was struck again how much my hometown reminds me of Europe.
She certainly has that "old" look. In a good way of course.

Now the linen-draped tables waited patiently for the sun to drop a bit more. Soon cooling shadows would glide over the scene.
Well, it WAS 95 degrees on the sunny side of the street.
Stopped at the King Of Pops stand for a locally-made frozen bar.
I selected Peaches & Cream on a stick and enjoyed the "face freeze" on such a warm day.

Further up King - opposite Society Street - I discovered a NEW place that reminded me I was pretty hungry. Good timing.
Some Burger Babies were as tasty as they looked.
Be sure to have the thick and crispy chips with your bun-wrapped delights.
The "newest" thing I saw on my walk up and down the historic KING street were little black and white signs taped in store windows.

I had seen such images online and the paper today had details about these QR (Quick Response) codes.
As the new owner (finally) of a Smartphone, I was able to scan the symbol.
It brought up the website with additional information about the products on sale.
I remember the first time I ever saw a added to the bottom of a print ad. That was unusual and bold back in the day.
Now I'm sure ALL ads have that. And probably Twitter. And Face Book.
(As usual, click on the photos for more detail. It was too warm to lug a big SLR camera and lenses around. Thanks little Canon S90.) Glad you stopped by. Come often.
Labels: Beaufain Street, Burger Babies, Circa, King of Pops popsicles, King Street, Memminger Auditorium, QR, Quick Response codes, Second Sunday, Society Street
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