Wow. Great Party at the Cistern .....

It was a party rather than a concert.
Everybody was having a great time... onstage and in the audience.
I even danced.
Well, actually just kinda jiggled and bounced in place.
It was THAT kind of happy, happy music that has you standing and your feet just start moving and tapping.
Hey, I may be old, but I'm NOT dead, as I've heard B.B. King state more than once.

I was in the front row and saw barricades had been set up on both sides to hold back the crowd.
You know, those enthusiastic people jumping up and down and moving to the music.
The couples grinning and shouting approval with whoops of joy.
The small children running around in dizzy circles.
Security - you're gonna have a long night.

At one point he lowered the volume and patted his hands for everyone to crouch down - we did - and "now, go a little softer."
Then, as the music grew louder, we all slowly rose. Nice party!
He did some Michael Jackson Moon Walking across the stage and channeled James Brown funkiness.
At one point, I didn't time how long, he showed Circular Breathing as he held a single drawn-out note on his trumpet (cornet?)for at least 4-6 minutes! Maybe even longer.
What a demonstration of technique - breathing in through his nose, his cheeks suddenly bulging and puffing out - as he sustained the single lingering note. Wow!

This was a real bonus for those sitting in the front row.
This image of a joyful Shorty seems to sum up his feelings about how the evening was going.
(Click on the photos for more details. Saw some SLRs with long telephoto lenses but my Canon S90 stood me in good stead. As usual.)
Hope you caught Shorty's second show on Friday night. Thanks for reading.
Labels: James Brown Cistern Yard, Moon walking, New Orleans, Orleans Avenue, Treme Street, Troy 'Trombone Shorty' Andrews
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