"Just Flew In From Chicago..."

Actually, I'm NOT tired even though I spent the weekend on Southwest Airlines.
Several months ago, Charleston was fortunate to have them start service here.
Welcome "Bags Fly Free!" Sorry it took this long for me to fly with you.
I left Saturday morning for Kansas City with a stop in Chicago. Quick trip for a grandson's wedding reception and I got back home Sunday evening.
My first time flying on a One-class airline. No seat assignments but it's organized beautifully. You board based on when you made your reservation.

I walked down the aisle and picked an aisle seat on each flight.
On one, the middle seat stayed empty and I stretched out and ordered myself a beer.
Guess I had never before flown in and out of Midway instead of O'Hare, That's where I saw the Blues Brothers Salute statues.

This airline also passes out those little bags of peanuts and other munchies along with free soft drinks.
I like that you don't have to slowly drag your luggage past all those staring people in First Class to find your seat back in "steerage."
That's pretty classy.
(Click on the photos for more detail.Two flights on Saturday and two on Sunday. ALL were on time and mostly filled.) Thanks for reading my stuff.
Labels: Battle of Midway, Blues Brothers, First Class, MDW, middle seats, Midway Field, O'Hare, Southwest Airlines
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