A fun DAY in the SUN ...

It was the 4th annual First Flush FesTEAval at the Charleston Tea Farm.
Possible T-storms were forecast (about 30%) but there was no rain.
Sun block was precious in front of the Main Stage.
Some came for the freshest tea of the year. Well yes, but I also came for the music.

Did I mention I carry ear plugs to concerts - even outdoor ones.
Good investment.
Sitting in the center of the first row of folding chairs, you realize how LOUD it has to be to reach the very back rows.
I am sure they heard every throbbing note.

Cory left his shirt open and we saw his tat.
Behind us, back in the cooler shade of many trees, there was a smaller stage.
It alternated with local musical groups.
The Bridge 105.5 had worked hard to coordinate, promote and present the music on both stages.
Their effort was very evident.
Naturally the ditch-jumpers wanted to be closer to the main stage but the Bridge staff ran a great defense and sent everyone back - away from the "official" restricted zone.
I don't think the drainage ditch had actually been filled with pluff mud but the black gooey, sticky substance sure sucked down feet and legs. And flip-flops.

Actually, when the headliner Robert Randolph and the Family Band took the stage, ladies WERE invited to come up on the platform to join him and dance about for one song.
Ah.. but you had to use the little white wood span to cross over the devil ditch.
All of the band fans were treated the same. Go back.. no exceptions.
Even though I was not "official" and had no credentials to get up to the edge of the stage, I did get a shot I really, really like.
Pure luck actually.
This was not my first time watching and enjoying pedal steel guitarist Robert Randolph.
I knew he was liable to leap up from his chair at any time and urge the crowd to "start shouting and dancin'.
This Sunday I was ready and waiting.

My pleasant surprise was catching the microphone cord as it whipped in an arc through the air. Wow.
Wonder if any of the photographers who were allowed up close snapped THAT picture?
Here's an image of a man who's having a "good day at work."
Being a family of entertainers, Cousin Danyel Morgan joined Robert, moving to the front of the stage, to close the very entertaining show.
Nice sounds.
Nice Day.
Nice iced tea.

My dermatologist will be pleased to know the sun block worked well.
And, as usual, I was wearing my protective Tilley hat.
[Be sure to click twice on the photos to see amazing details.]
Labels: Black Seal/Sony, Charleston Tea Plantation, Cory Chisel, Crowfields, First Flush, Robert Randolph and the Family Band, The Bridge 105.5
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