Oldies and goldies....or just moldies?

Not business paper files and receipts but actual music records. That you play on a machine. A record player. That you wound up.
Thick black 78rpms. A veritable "stax of wax."
But these were before vinyl or plastic.
And after "wax" cylinders.
These - according to the internet - are probably made of lateral-cut shellac material. Or perhaps Condensite (early Bakelite).
One label is the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company and I know that name from billiard tables and bowling balls. Yeah, these records feel like old bowling balls. A few are recorded on just one side.

Actually, I'm really curious about that 6" Record Blank that's dated December 21,1930. It was a home recording.
Yikes ..I can't envision the size of THAT portable party machine!
Probably larger than a keraoke machine.
(The Victor image was found on the internet. I took the other photo.)
Labels: Diva label, His master's voice, Keraoke machine, NJ, Okeh, Perfect label, Tempo, Victor Talking Machine Camden
I believe I might invest in that software. Hope I can figure it out.
Oh. You meant the software mentioned in the PREVIOUS posting!
Well, sure..I was able to make it work. Go for it!
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