Not Always What It Seems To Be ......

Hey, I didn't realize the Domino Effect was a visible concept in downtown Philadelphia.
They are "falling over" next to City Hall in the Thomas Paine Plaza but the locals naturally call it Domino Plaza.
There also are giant game pieces from Checkers, Chess, Sorry and Bingo.
They all are bolted down to prevent theft.
While I was touring the fantastic Newseum in Washington, DC, I noticed quite a few colorful cardboard cutouts as part of a Salute To Elvis.
Since I paid $19.49 to get in, I was sure they wouldn't mind me posing with one.
Elvis is on the right.
The place is 7-stories high, sits right on Pennsylvania Avenue and has a display of 150 Pulitizer Prize photographs from 1942 - 2007.
Over at the Smithsonian Museum, I saw two cameras marked "Antiques." I had used both in my career.

At the train station in Baltimore, I saw another reminder that "the times they are a changin'"
I knew that cell phones had knocked out wrist watches so should not have been surprised to see shrinking pay phones. Soon the sign above will drop the "s" and just say Telephone.
*Click TWICE on photos to see a larger image. And, check out the highlighted 360 degree virtual reality tour of the Plaza in Philly. Thanks.
Labels: cardboard cutouts, Checkers, Chess, Dominos, Elvis, pay phone, Pulitizer Prize photos, Sorry tokens
Found you through Time Goes By. Had to laugh out loud at your experience at the Smithsonian. I, too, encounter tools of the trade from my newspaper days. I am always surprised by the realization that I shared that time when the "antiques" were useful technology.
Enjoyed your post.
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