Friday, March 23, 2007

What's the exchange rate for a Euro Dollar?

It was a lot of fun and nostalgia as I remembered how I made a replica dollhouse MANY, MANY years ago back in Missouri.

My daughter was 8 then and her 33 birthday comes up next month.

One reader of my blog lives near Amsterdam in the Netherlands and she requested a copy of the "How-To" booklet I had produced 25 years ago. She is opening a shop featuring dollhouses and miniatures and thought my views would be beneficial.

I found the original artwork, scanned it into my computer - changing the address to reflect where I live now - and sent it to her. On the front it says the price is $10.

She e-mailed back to say it arrived and was a fun read and very helpful. She added that her country, along with 11 others, now uses Euro dollars and she would send me the equivelent of $10 USD.

My first international sale and I have no idea how much I will receive.

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