..an abundance of caution.
Hey, schools are shut down, annual March and April special events are canceled or moved to September and we are being told to hunker down, avoid crowds and don't touch our face ...or anything.I have a concern about the upcoming scheduled March 27 meeting of my Newspaper Retirees Group.
Like ALL of our many day-to-day activities, we are having to adjust to being in the midst of a sudden, fast-spreading CaronaVirus from China that now is officially a COVID-19 pandemic.

When we retired newspaper guys last met right after Christmas at Patriot's Point, it was a light-hearted time of camaraderie - and motorcycles - by former newspaper employees of the Charleston Post and Courier.
Light-kidding banter as we went through what-ever-happened- to comments and re-telling stories of past events that took place at the paper.
We are being told nationally to simply "cope and hope."

While I often play older workers and characters in tv shows being filmed here, and movies down in Savannah, I don't FEEL old, but the scary facts are that we all really need to be careful and do frequent soap & water handwashing, avoiding close contact in crowds and extreme "personal isolation" as infection protection.

The people involved in the shutdown used the now-familiar phrase "in an abundance of caution" to announce the temporary cancellation of shooting here.
And, NOT just here.
We saw one night all of the late-night talk show hosts did their monologues to empty theaters and, the next night, all were in re-runs "for the time being."
So, instead of a busy season of doing extra and BackGround work on sets, I have promised my children that I will "shut down" for several weeks to do my part to calm the growth and spread of this dangerous virus.
Attend no performances at the Gaillard or PAC (if any indeed open), no meetings in public spaces, only a minimum mingling with others, no dining out or stopping for a frosty craft beer, etc.
The economy will suffer as we all comply with the government strictures.
Charleston is really a tourism-dependent city.
I feel really bad for all our local Food & Beverage people who receive less than $3 an hour.
Tips are supposed to raise their income to a good standard of living level.
Let's hope our government leaders will get us out of this crippling economic and health situation as quickly as possible.
Here is a daily update World Health Orgnization (WHO) map, tracking CoronaVirus activity in 135+ countries
(You know the way I do this..click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be pretty free and available the next few weeks. Come by again.
Labels: CoronaVirus, COVID-19, HBO Production halted on Season 2 of TRG., my ticket to see CATS, Sunday Blues Bash at Smokey's Place on Remount Road
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