The Daily Mailbox shuffle
Some days, I don't even bother to walk down the 12 steps and check my mailbox.In fact, I may just replace it with a trash can.
I now have convinced my newspaper carrier that I will complain less if she will just get the paper on my porch.
This is my version of a 12-step program and I feel strongly they should be only used for the important stuff.

Each month AARP sends me form letters to mail (my stamp) to my elected officials telling them I am mad as hell and won't take [insert grievance] anymore!
About 2-3 times a month, I get a postcard stating "I will buy your house AS-IS for cash! No commission. No need to make repairs. Contact me TODAY!
I think there is a list - naturally by age - used by the hearing aid people, funeral costs assistance, (one today from a Cremation Society), Estate Planning, Reverse Mortgage from both Tom Sellick or Broadway Joe Namath and either eyeglass vendors or Lasic eye surgery people.
I drive a 14-year old Saturn (it just finally turned 90K miles!) and receive - almost monthly - a final chance to get an extended warranty opportunity - stamped LAST OFFER, every time.
I should be so lucky!
I looked up my very used car on Kelly Blue Book and see it MIGHT fetch $1250. Of course, despite shopping around or trying to combine Home and Car insurance, I pay an outrageous amount for coverage!
Basically just covering my butt from all the insurance companies getting $1million + liability settlements! Dial 333-3333 or all sevens 777-7777.

OK, end of rant.
Now I'll go look at my computer and see ads for anything I might have even casually mentioned online.
Big Bro is at work here.
Alexa and OK Google are not the only ones listening.
Oh, here's a GOOD NEWS last-minute tidbit.....
Not stuffed in the mailbox but next Tuesday, the fine fellows at Play It Again, Sports will deliver a used exercise device replacement for the worn-out treadmill that conked out on me.
They had suggested I NOT invest in a new circuit board for my 6-year old treadmill.
They came up with a well-cared-for TreadClimber TC10, made by BOWFLEX, for something different from a treadmill.
They said it provides low impact on ankles and knees but, they added, you can't run on it like a treadmill.
Haha, I never did run on any of my treadmills.
You know the drill on here...for more details, click on the photos and links.
I was asked why, if my treadmill was broken, didn't I just go for a walk in the neighborhood. Well, DUH, I can't watch ROKU walking on a real sidewalk!
Thanks for stopping by. Come try out my new machine.
Labels: 12-step program, AARP, Alexa, Broadway Joe Namath, KBB, mailbox vs trashcan, OK Google, Tom Sellick, TreadClimber by Bowflex, Watching ROKU
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