30 Days Hath Movember....
Movember Movement started 13 years ago when men were invited to grow a mustache as a sign of support for a fund raiser to help men's health.
I recall when Rob Fowler, a local weather forecaster, announced he would shave
OFF his mustache to support the cause.
Meteorologists are funny that way - do the opposite, sort of like the weather often turns out.
That was a few years ago and I see that Rob grew his dark, thick upper lip ornament in about 4-5 days.
Well, this year I decided I too would grow a sign of support but, with a full beard.
How hard could that be?
I wore a full beard for 5 years and that was only, uh, about 30 years ago.
Hmm. I remember it being more of a blonde color.
It was just going to be a 30-day beard. No big whoop.
Not like the elaborate one featured by a local brewery to honor Charleston.
Or, as we natives sometimes call it - Chucktown.
There is a sad story about that particular man, his beard, the beer can and its corporate image.
Although he never wore it styled like that, his bosses at a Christian college fired this adjunct professor or suspended him.
The thinking on campus was something about it "seemed" like he was supporting the idea of getting slicked up and drinking beer.
I mean, look at the picture. He's NOT drinking a beer. He would have had foam on his 'stache.
It is possible to not have a time limit on how long you'll have a beard nor how long it can grow.
A band named
ZZ TOP has quite a trademark with its two frontmen.
And they've been doing this for about 45 years!
Billy and Dusty - same two hairy guys for almost half a century.
The drummer does not have a fuzzy face but, his name is Frank Beard.
And, it looks like he has a mustache.
I saw this fellow checking his phone on the deck at The Windjammer last year.
By the time I got my camera up to my eye, he had finished texting or checking his email and had turned it off.
When I asked him to turn it back on, I had to explain how it looked from a distance.
He seemed puzzled.
I took a few shots and showed him how it looked. He asked me to email it to him so I did.
I also congratulated him on his full beard. He said it was 6-years old.
Then I noticed the symbol on his shirt and we talked a bit about his brewery.
Beer and beards. Yet another connection!
I see a lot of beards when I travel overseas.
Can't remember if this fellow was in Berlin, Prague or Slovakia.
Whichever it was, he kept it trimmed neatly across the bottom.
I didn't mention it of course but, at first glance, I thought he was holding a mop.
He had an umbrella with a handle hooked over his left arm.
Some people just let them loose to grow however long, wide, rounded off or scraggly.
For mine, it's too soon to tell.
It's filling in pretty good and I keep a close eye on it but, so far, it hasn't turned blonde yet.

Saw this fellow in San Antonio, Texas at a Mardi Gras celebration on the banks of the Riverwalk.
I had flown there for my grandson's graduation from basic training in the U.S. Air Force.
Every week there is a new class of graduates and families so the city has a ready crowd of tourists, eager to see the Alamo and other sights.
I actually spotted this guy's white beard before I even noticed his colorful shirt.
Who knew that before the year was out, I would be sporting my own "newbie" beard.
Gauging how slowly mine is taking shape, he has had this carefully groomed look for quite a while.
Little more mustache wax and he'd be ready to be pictured on a can of Lone Star.
Only a few days left to decide if I'll shave or keep it for a while.
It IS kind of nice not to have to shave every day. And it's not as prickly as it was at first.
(Click on the images and photos for more details.)
Thanks for stopping by. Maybe I'll still have this on my face next Movember.
Labels: Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, Chucktown beer, Mardi Gras Texas style, Movember Movement, mustache time, no big whoop, Rag Mop, The Windjammer deck
So, what's brewing on the music scene?
I support Live Music and have been vocal about that for many years.
Also, have been known to check out new breweries when they open around town.
Last Sunday I had a chance to do both when I stopped by
Ghost Monkey Brewery in Mount Pleasant for an early afternoon beer and for conversations with members of the
Charleston Live Music Meetup.
The brewery is easy to find, turn left just before you enter the State Port Authority (SPA) on Long Point Road.
Josh Parker, a co-owner, took me on a neat tour before I sat at the bar and tasted their Ghost Beard Baltic, an 8.25 ABV porter. This was a great collaboration with Frothy Beard brewery.
I decided I would have a growler filled with that when I left!
I like the cooperation among the breweries here as a new one seems to pop up every six months or so. Yay!
It was a bright and sunny day so I joined the music fans group seated outside.
Two had attended meetings of my 8-year old Photo Group and I passed out cards, inviting the others to come to a meeting or join us on a photo walk.
The Live Music folks formed 4 months ago, about the same time this brewing company opened its doors.

Needless to say, there was music provided. Well, DUH.
Mark Schuler, who describes himself as an Acoustic Soloist, provided a nice melodic background.
I asked if the group selected the musicians and they explained the venue does that.
Then they spread the word about where they encourage members to show up to enjoy the sounds and show their support.
A true use of online social communications.
Families with small children arrived and sat outside on comfortable benches, listening to the music as their kids ran around, burning up energy.
While I was talking with Josh and Jim Leonard, also a co-owner, I noticed the skull tattoo on Josh's neck was the same as the brewing company's logo.
I didn't ask but I wonder which came first?
He probably would have been the one to suggest it at a planning session, pointing to his neck and saying, "
I have a logo suggestion."
While we were touring, Jim was pouring bags of ingredients into one of the three large stainless steel tanks.
Josh explained how they control the temperature by wrapping tubes around the tanks and running a coolant through the coils.
Years ago, I tried making a small batch of beer at home and did NOT have a way to keep things cool.
As the summer temp rose in my workshop, I regretted that I did not have air conditioning downstairs.
No, my 2-gallon container would not fit in my refrigerator. I did try!
Their efforts are MUCH, MUCH better.

I had sipped a pint of their Lemon Basil IPA - with a reasonable 6.7 ABV - but, when it was time to leave, I had them fill my growler with the higher 8.25 ABV Ghost Beard Baltic porter.
It was sealed and I took it with me to drink and enjoy at home - when there is no driving involved.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
I enjoyed my first event and thanked Drew Anderson and Kelly, the group's Organizer.
Labels: #Mark Schuler acoustic soloist, Charleston Live Music Meetup, collaboration with Frothy Beard, Ghost Beard Baltic porter, Ghost Monkey Brewing Company, Lemon Basil IPA, Skull neck tattoo, SPA
Chasin' Bubbles on a rainy day...
It was more than a month since Charleston had had any rain.
Things were dry and a threat of brush fires was becoming a reality.
So, we were glad to see the first rain since Hurricane Matthew had brushed close, early in October.
Matthew dumped a LOT of water!
I had driven to a Stevie Nicks concert in Columbia and returned home Sunday morning, driving on VERY wet and slick roads.
I wondered how that would affect the 2nd Sunday on King Street turnout?
When I started up blocked-off King Street around 2 pm, it looked pretty deserted and grim.
But, as I wandered along, I soon was amid clumps of people, and I was taking some fun "street photography."
Saw a few people proudly walking their dogs, some wearing colorful holiday seasonal red and green vests.
I mean the dogs were clothed warmly because it was still sprinkling and chilly.
I did notice that very few restaurant tables were set up curbside because dining out on a misty day is just not very comfortable.
However, I did see there were pretty good crowds inside the restaurants that I passed.
Of course, I kept my eyes open to spot unusual sights and snapped a small bunch of buskers tucked into a doorway. One guitar, three cigarettes and - hidden or just keeping warm - a cute puppy.
I had seen this group earlier when I walked through the Starbucks in the Francis Marion hotel.
The brown and white puppy was mostly out of sight then too.
Members of my Photo Group had been invited to gather and walk along King Street this afternoon.
Guess the sudden end to our mini-drought had kept them away.

The plan was to meet in the lobby of the hotel at 2 pm and I got there just as the bells in St. Matthew's Church next store were bonging the time in an insistent manner.
I saw there were quite a few cadets doing more than just window shopping along King Street.
Foul weather would not thwart free time away from their Citadel.
A breath of fresh air. Damp, but open air and off campus.
(Hmmm. Apparently, an umbrella or even a plastic poncho is not part of the uniform of the day.)
In the background was one of the murals painted during Spoleto.
They are scattered all around the historic district and add splashes of vibrant color where you least expect.
As I said, continuing down the street, more people were gathered and stepping around small puddles.
As I got closer to Hasell Street, I heard music and, in particular, a strong clarinet leading a distinct Klezmer sound.
Yep. A stage was set up under an awning and bleacher benches for listeners also were covered and sheltered from the sprinkles.
Several families sat and appreciated the music amid aromatic scents of ethnic food being cooked nearby.
I had worn the waterproof hoodie I had bought for my trip to Scotland.

It worked well there and equally fine today under gray skies.
Attendance WAS way off and that's a shame because a rainy day offers many photo opportunities and a cool, slower-paced walk.
Shopping the open stores did not seem hampered and the crowded restaurants showed it was not a "bad day" as far as they were concerned.
I continued to keep my camera ready and even spotted some young
ladies with the same goal in mind. I suggested they come to a monthly meeting of my local photo group.
At our last meeting of my Lowcountry 21st Century Photo Group,
https://tinyurl.com/y7cgvqy3 the members attending included our oldest long-time member (George calls me"kid") and Rivers Rudloff, a first-timer 17-year old high schooler.
They both take great photos.
So, all in all, it was a good photo day for me.
Caught some nice shots of people enjoying the outdoors and even turned the corner on Beaufain Street to step into
Le Farfalle, the new restaurant that four months ago, replaced the former Leaf.
Before that, the spot was Vickery's for almost 20 years.
Speaking of places I like to re-visit, the lobby of the
Francis Marion was spectacular.
Back in the 1950s, I had worked in the corner store that now is Starbucks.
I was a senior at Bishop England high school, a few blocks down Calhoun Street, and worked at
Norvell's Camera Exchange.
We even had a black & white darkroom on one of the floors upstairs in the hotel. I would take the elevator up to drop off rolls of film for processing.
I recall that all of the color films were packed up and mailed each night to Kodak in Chamblee, Georgia.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Looks like the rain has cleared out and a sunny week is forecasted. Get out and take photos.
Labels: buskers and their puppy, Citadel cadets, ethnic foods, Francis Marion Hotel, Klezmer, Le Farfalle, Leaf Restaurant, lobby, Spoleto murals, St Matthew's church, Vickery's
A New Face In The Crowd....getting ahead.
I formed
21st Century Photo Group almost 9 years ago. We are local photographers, ranging from newbies to pros.
There are about 180 members and 15-20 meet each month on the 2nd Wednesday. Others join our frequent photo walks.
We are fortunate to meet in the Conference Room at the
Carolina Ice Palace by Northwoods Mall in North Charleston.
It's perfect! We can adjust the lights and sound, move things around and have good sessions.
I had invited a good buddy
Joseph Nienstedt to pack up his mini-studio and show how he makes really great Head Shots.
The key thing is the communications between me and the subject, " Joe explained to the
"Get him or her relaxed, comfortable, adjust the pose for the best results and try to capture his best image," he added.
Joe answered questions as he made adjustments, explaining how to maximize or minimize the subject's features.
In front of the camera is a long-time member - and a co-Coordinator for the Group - Andy Reilly.
He laughed when Joe asked which was his best side.
Then he turned his back to the camera and said,
"how about this?"
Clearly, Andy was relaxed and enjoying his Head Shot session.
After he finished shooting many, many images, he would show the results on our big screen, demonstrating how a tweak here or there would adjust the outcome of the finished product.
There are many software programs available and Joseph has a few favorites he likes to use.
He showed how one would whiten the look of teeth or adjust the facial color in the image.
He said Andy did not need a lot of manipulation but did point out that a 2-dimensional look of a 3-D face often "squashes" somewhat and he uses tools to correct that mistaken effect.
He had shown me that when he took pictures of my face a few months ago, one smiling and one serious.
On the screen, he gently pushed both sides of my face back to my actual look and I could see the difference.
Joseph knows how to catch the "best side" of his clients...even though my English major taught me it should be called the "better" side.
(Click on the images and links for more details.)
AND, if you are interesting in photography and would like to hang out with some friendly and talented folks, click on the link and join.
It's easy to join and it's FREE.
Hope to see you as a new member soon.
We are going to the
Second Sunday on King Street event
this weekend Nov. 13.
We'll meet in the Francis Marion lobby at 2 pm. Bring your camera and join us.
Labels: #Andy Reilly, #Joseph Nienstedt, 2nd Sunday, Francis Marion Hotel, Head shots, JWNphoto
A "Hairy" subject...
I had seen
ZZ TOP perform before - at the PAC - a few years ago.
But, this was their first time in our new Gaillard Center.
They filled both venues... with clean-shaven fans, bearded ones and a few
"No Shave November*" participants.
It's also known as
I saw a Gaillard beverage vendor lady pouring beers while wearing a long, flowing blonde beard.
I asked if it was her idea and she said, "Not really, my husband suggested it would be a funny idea."

That's really getting into the spirit!
My modest effort to contribute my hirsute effort is still in the beginning stage - Day 6 - and has a long way to go.
I actually wore a beard for five years.
As I recall, way back then, mine was blonde - light blonde - so this will come in similar.
Well, more white than even gray.
Eventually. I do have a full month to make this happen.
(Uh, oh, the headshots I had done to send when I apply to be an Extra in tv shows filming here, will not reflect this soon-to-be-shaggy look.
Guess I'll stick with the clean shaved look.
Easier to maintain on short notice.
If I were chosen, I'd have to tell the casting director it would take me a month - at least - to show a bearded look.
(I did take a photo of the "bearded lady" so I include it here.)
I sat a few rows further back than usual.
Row E is about 7 or 8 rows from the stage, counting rows in the Orchestra pit.
I paused coming in to allow a small group ahead of me to file into the very last row on the ground floor of the Gaillard.
Knew it was a sell-out show and felt sort of bad for a moment that they would be seated so far back.
When you're seated up front, you get to see facial features and get even more from the performance. But, they seemed to be in a very good mood.
Even jovial.
I heard one of their crowd say "So, we have seats in row ZZ! Wow!"
They must have planned this, armed with a diagram of the seating chart.
But, even with seats relatively close to the stage, there always is room for a fan to stand, waving their arms and playing air guitar.
Or just standing perfectly still.
For a long time.
Oh well, I was there to hear the music.
Seeing the band that's had the same three members for 45 years is quite a big deal.
Bassist Dusty Hill and guitarist Billy Gibbons have long-time long beards. The drummer has no whiskers ... but his name is Frank Beard.
(Click on the images and links for more details.)
For the folks who sat in row ZZ...this is what the bearded ones looked like.
Party on!
Oh, I rummaged around in my files to find a photo I remembered from a few years ago when
"Cat Bearding" was - briefly - popular online.
It seems appropriate to include it here.
My cat posed beautifully.
If you look closely, her tiny nose replaced mine.
She allowed one more shot then squirmed her way out of my grasp.
Thanks again for stopping by.
Labels: Bassist Dusty Hill, Drummer Frank Beard Movember, growing funds to support cancer prevention, Guitarist Billy Gibbons, No Shave November, Row ZZ, together for 45 years, ZZ Top