Books and Beers on a Saturday night....
Leah Rhyne , local Sci-Fi writer, put together a "book reading"last Saturday evening.
I knew one of the writers so I hopped in my car and joined the crowd.
A "reading" is where several authors come and share aloud a chapter or two of their book.
Leah has written a series called
Undead America that includes
Zombie Days, Campfire Nights; No Angels, and
Jenna's War.

Yes, Leah writes about zombies.
And her newest book,
Heartless, not surprising, is about a young girl who wakes up one day and discovers she is dead.
The good news...she appears not to smell. So far.
The sampling she read does have her using a needle and thread (a delicate pink color, not harsh white) to sew back a pesky flap of skin that dangles from her right cheek.
We further learn that she feels no pain as she does her deft darning.
Jason Zwiker, Charleston photographer, known for his essays, short stories, fiction and non, was the first reader of the night.
Jason flipped on the microphone around 7:30 to tease us with a chapter of his first - not yet finished - novel entitled "
Jimmy the King and the Witch in Green," Part one.
I have sat several times at public readings by David Sedaris at Charleston Music Hall, and have been impressed when an author reads excerpts of his own work.
Listening to Jason is only the second time I have experienced this and I told him later that he writes well and emotes very effectively while reading.
Oh, did I mention the crowded "reading room" was at
Holy City Brewing Company?
The brewery is situated behind rows of dark warehouses, and you turn off Dorchester Road, and bump your way over uneven pavement to reach the almost filled dirt parking lot. "Good crowd," I thought, as I left my car and headed toward the bright lights.
As I said, Leah's "undead heroine"
had a major problem.
Fortunately, the former mortal had a very-much-alive friend and supporter.
A reading gives you only a sample of what is to come and tonight was no exception.
Just as I was warming to Jason's characters and this young lady with a deadly future, it was over
The third author,
Patrick Wensink, took the microphone, and picked up his latest book
"Fake Fruit Factory."
Patrick explained he was from Louisville and was on a 15-city book-signing tour.

He was in Nashville, then Savannah the night before, Charleston was his 14th stop and he would finish up in Charlotte.
His previous book - featured on the New York Times list - was
"Broken Piano For President."
When we chatted later, Patrick ticked of the cities on his tour that included cities in the Northwest, the middle of the country, New York City and this Southeast final leg.
He did add that this was his first reading in a crowded brewery on a Saturday night.
Wish I could say all of the people lining the bar and seated at tables were there to hear snippets from new books.
Listening for a snappy chapter or the opening pages of a brand new novel.
Patrick opened one of the copies displayed on the table and explained that the mayor of a small town in Ohio had to come up with a plan to attract tourists to raise a large sum of money to save his small town.
In fact, it was so small that cartographers didn't even bother to put it on a map.
Many were probably there just for the Holy City Pluff Mud Porter or Gruesome Twosome but the overhead speakers carried the author's voices around the room and probably gave some beer drinkers an added literary boost to a night on the town.
I know that Liz Chartrand and her husband, from West Ashley, queued
at the merchandise table when Patrick finished and bought a copy which he happily signed.
A line had formed as others stepped forward to ask questions of the three authors or to make a purchase.
Rhyne, who had organized the event, also seemed pleased with the results.
I am sure that Jason Zwiker looks forward to two things:
1. Finish his novel and 2. Get it published so he could have a stack of them to take on a book signing to read aloud ....and to sell.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for stopping by.
Yes, I had a Holy City Nitro Porter.
Labels: Broken Piano For President, Fake Fruit Factory, Heartless, Holy City Brewing Company, Jason Zwiker, Jimmy The King, Leah Rhyne, Nitro Porter, Patrick Wensink
52nd Anniversary Coming Up In A Few Days...
Next Sunday marks the
52nd anniversary of JFK being assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Shot dead as he rode in a motorcade on his way to another Texas speaking engagement in "
Big D."
Earlier he had addressed a crowd in Fort Worth, drumming up support for his re-election to a second term as President of the United States.
The leader of the world's strongest country, who had faced down the Russians, defusing the brink of war scenario during the Cuban Missile Crisis, wanted to finish many programs he had started..
This particular picture I took in 1960 in San Diego, when he was Senator Kennedy, campaigning against Richard Nixon, to become President.
I was a young college student, just out of the Marine Corps, who had packed up cameras and darkroom equipment and headed west from South Carolina to be the first in my family to attend college.

I had been offered a Photography Scholarship by the young University of San Diego, a Catholic school only 11 years old.
I set up my studio and darkroom downstairs in the College For Men building.
Naturally I carried my camera with me as a few fellow students and I went downtown to hear the Presidential hopeful speak.
I thought
"Oh, what the hell," and worked my way to the front of the crowd and showed my student ID to a police officer standing on the raised platform.
"I'm the University's official photographer and would like to come up there to take some pictures."
He just nodded and gave me a hand up.
It was a simpler
time and everyone was more trusting and helpful.
I positioned myself and waited for the moment Senator Kennedy would turn my way while making a point.
Three years later, while still attending classes at the University, I was a staff photographer for the daily metro San Diego Union - Tribune newspaper and wanted very much to be part of the paper's team that covered this 1963 return visit.
We had staff all over the place.
Reporters and photographers were at Lindbergh
Field airport, the several caravans, the area around where he was to speak at the San Diego State College, as well as with the President later in the day as he was offshore, observing military maneuvers.
I got a plum assignment about as close to the President as we could get with our press credentials.
onstage with him
, I was able to get good photos from his left side as he gave the Commencement speech.
JFK also received
an honorary degree from SDSU that day in June.
Just 5 months later, he made that fateful journey to Texas.
So, each year - about this time - I recall those two times I photographed
the President.
Well, technically, once as Senator and then later, as President.
The first time all I needed was my student ID card and a helpful hand up by a burly police officer.
The paper submitted paperwork far in advance of the 1963 visit.
And several weeks went by as, I guess, we were screened by the Secret Service before credentials were issued.
I look back on those days in the sixties, in San Diego, working for the major newspaper with a camera in hand, taking pictures of people in high places and also those not so high.
In 1965 I covered the morning press conference by the Fab Four, the
Beatles before their only concert in San Diego.
I had photographed LBJ as he campaigned to be
elected to the high office of President.
I took pictures of the Dog Of The Week to help families adopt a special pet that needed a home.

Often I caught a humorous view of life that, I hope, caused a pause and a chuckle.
Even today, in retirement, I keep my camera handy and look for moments that need to be captured and presented.
I have found that one secret of a spectacular photo is to be in a very photogenic area.
Like Niagara Falls, or the Grand Canyon, monuments in Budapest or yellow trolleys in Lisbon, Portugal. Perhaps a sunset over the water at Folly Beach.
Travel photography gives me many, many opportunities to present something out of the ordinary.
Retirement is what you make of it.
I'm not one for being a couch potato, watching tv for hours nor easing down into a rocking chair.
I try to be around positive, upbeat people who enjoy life and make a point of giving enjoyment to others.
Which is probably why I try to attend many live music concerts.
Those talented performers know the value of doing a good job, playing their best, for an appreciative audience.
I try to get as close to the stage as possible and a lot of my music pictures show up on this blog.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my memories.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
If you wish to make a comment, please do so.
Now, Charleston, get ready for a change in the weather.
Winter is again heading down South. Brrr.
Labels: 52nd anniversary, candidate Senator Jack Kennedy, Dallas Assassination, Fab Four, JFK, POTUS, The Beatles, Wintry weather
As we bid a fond farewell...
It was a fun four days in
Lisbon but my vacation continues as I fly across Portugal and land at Sevilla to begin exploring Spain.
My impressions of Lisboa, as they spell/say it there, includes their long love affair with tiles.
Not just the red roof tiles - which are gorgeous - but old and new decorative tiles, that decorate many building walls and form huge murals inside the National Palace at nearby Sintra.
Walking tours take you around the historic district down by the harbor as you head up and down hilly streets.

Eventually you end up high on a hill, looking down from the
Palicio de S. Jorge, the fortress-like structure to the east.
The Palicio link has a lot of information about this elevated observation location.
A scenic and interesting ride up in a cab, looking through a folder, and a great alternative to hiking.
Found another high spot 30 minutes by train in Sintra.
Looked up at the Moorish Castle fortress and then hopped a tram for a ride up there to walk around.
And, of course, to take photos looking down at the valley, large wind farms off in the distance and the overall view of the elaborate National Palace of Sintra.
Clambering on the Castle was a challenge - not nearly enough safety handrails - to keep from tumbling down for a nasty fall. Or worse.
But we were cautious and watched our footing so no mishaps.
I felt sorry for parents with curious, excited, energetic and non-tiring children who were scampering up and down the narrow steps.
There were higher towers that probably did not improve the view of the valley very much, so didn't venture up steps that became even more narrow.
Running children added to the decision to not go higher but to find a spot for picture-taking.
Looking down at the National Palace gave a better feeling of how large and spread out it was.
The two white "inverted ice cream cones" on the right turned out to be chimneys for the over-sized kitchen.
The tour up and through the many rooms demonstrated the Portuguese love of decorative tiles.
Many large 20-foot high murals depicted hunting scenes.
And other activities were made entirely of the shiny-surfaced tiles.

Did I mention there is quite a history of making and using these tiles.
In fact, we were cautioned NOT to buy any in shops as souvenirs.
They either are fake or were stolen off buildings, which is a criminal offense. Yikes!
The guides said this is the oldest Portuguese palace, composed of different sections corresponding to distinct building campaigns.
It originates from the primitive palace built by the "Wallis," who were the Moorish governors of Sintra (10th century.)
Not that far away, actually overlooking the Palace and the Moorish Castle, was the
"completely different" Palace of Pena.
Sort of a Disneyland-on-drugs place described as the exuberant creation of Ferninand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, consort of queen Maria II.
It would be an understatement to call it the most striking example of romantic architecture in the country, notable for its eclectic decorative style.
More like an outrageous ad for Dutch Boy Paint's many colors. Or even Sherwin Williams "covering the world" concept.
Wow!... does not come even close.
Just as bright as the red roof tiles in downtown Lisboa, these various primary colors mix and clash in a pleasant - though outlandish - manner.
Yes, my camera and I were very pleased.
The challenge was to turn a corner and NOT take another startling shot. LOL
When I was in the Marines, our "colors" were scarlet and gold (well, red & yellow). I accepted that.
But had never seen them on such a large scale as this before.
It was explained the colorful Palace was built by the brother of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who's
Schloss Neuschwanstein is a pretty neat structure, sedate and much larger.
This brother wanted to outdo that one.
And, the Bavarian king is called
"Mad Ludwig?!"

Returning to downtown Lisbon, we heard the frequent roar of passing Tuk Tuk vehicles.
I add even more praise to outgoing Mayor Joe Riley for banning them in the Holy City.
Sounds like a combo leaf blower, lawn mower and a jet ski.
These noisy public conveyances stopped conversation when they clattered by.
But, again, maybe the visitors were tired from walking so much.
And carried ear plugs.
I knew that Lisbon was the westernmost port city in Europe and was able to sample many seafood dishes.
Saw squid on the menu a lot but kept on reading. The local shrimp are huge and served with heads still on.
These I enjoyed. We Charlestonians know how to peel-and-eat.
Had a salmon filet a few times - once smoked rather than baked. Not really that bad, I found.
Finally I ordered a fish in a place way off the tourist track.
It was next to the harbor and I looked forward to it
When it was served, it looked back at me.
Well, you
do pay for the whole fish.
It was delicious.
I have dealt with fried flounder at restaurants in Charleston more than once.
So I knew how to extract the moist meat with a minimum of bones.
You travel for new experiences.
That's what I kept telling myself.
(Click on the photos - and links - for more details.)
Thanks for coming along as I re-trace my stops on last month's vacation trip to Portugal and Spain.
A few more tiles shots. Much more to come. Burp.
Labels: Christ the King statue on south bank of River Tagus, fried flounder at Hyman's, King Ludwig II, Mad Ludwig, Palace of Pena, Sao Vincent de Fora Church, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Sintra, smoked and baked salmon