One of the benefits of photography is the sense of revisiting a scene.Right now I have 4,339 digital memories, taken during two and a half weeks roaming through five countries in Central Europe.
I get a selfish thrill when I can recreate something I saw for less than a second and share it with others.
Cloud formations and a golden sun sending shafts of light everywhere are fun to capture.
But not always just sitting there, waiting for you.

It might be raining or there's totally no clouds.
You may have made plans to meet some people inside.
Or you emerge from a museum or castle and the light is all wrong.
But, when it all comes together, you snap the moment forever.
Capturing a great sunset, or the moments when twilight slowly changes the view, depends on luck.
When you do see the elements coming together for an exciting visual end of day, find a spot to relax, have a beer and watch for the moment.
That castle you just rode a tram up a steep hill to explore now looks majestic up there.
You walked up and down a lot of steps so a cold one is due. Have a seat.
This is Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic, and not even the halfway point of my photo vacation.
It is a romantic riverside location enhanced by graceful bridges and a skyline punctuated with medieval church steeples.
Wait a minute, that sounds a little bit like Charleston.
Which has TWO rivers.
Oh, but the churches are not nearly that old.
Point goes to Prague.

Prague Castle looms large across the Vitava River, above the Charles Bridge.
This scenic span connects the quarters near the castle with Old Town and it's sprawling Square.
Most of my day had been spent eating foods new to me and sampling local national beers.
Well, sure, I went up and toured the Castle and walked down to view the Charles Bridge from various angles.
What a great place for street photography!

Everywhere you looked there were religious monuments, and as the sun settled, beautiful lighting effects were created.
A photographer's lucky day.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
I just remembered I have several hundred more pictures I took with my phone camera.
More editing.
Yikes, I'll never be outside again to see a sunset.
Labels: Charles Bridge, Czech Republic, Lesser Quarters, Old Town Square., Prague Castle, Vitava River
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