Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Old bank ad: "Open an account, get a free toaster!"

I guess you have to be of a certain age for that ad to sound familiar.

The age that remembers dish cloths tucked inside boxes of detergent to get you to buy that brand..

Or, glassware and dishes given away free at movie theaters.

Probably also know about S & H Greenbax stamps that you licked, stuck into a booklet and redeemed for prizes or gifts.

And lay-a-way shopping and having a Christmas Club account that you used for buying holiday presents.

OK, now returning to banks offering toasters.

My bank, South Coast Community, just handed me this free USB Power Bank.

Just for filling out an application and requesting their credit card.

Not a huge story. Just an observation.

Back when banks gave away toasters, people did not have smart phones, iPads and other devices that could need an emergency stored power supply.  Back then, most transactions were in cash or with a check.

Grocery store register counters still have a small shelf that you pull out to use when you write a check.

I don't even own a toaster.

But, I have a smartphone.

And, sometimes,  I use it to bank online.

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