Order a Moosehead?

Don't know why I happened to think of that as I sipped a beer last night in the "neck" area of peninsula Charleston.
I was in the Tattooed Moose, a place that's becoming a Must Stop bar on my way home from downtown.I ordered a 400 Pound Monkey, brewed by Left Hand.
They have a loyalty program that sounds interesting: win prizes by drinking 100 beers there.
A fellow next to me was jotting something on an official looking card.
"Only 67 more to go," he answered when I asked if this was the 100 Club or whatever it's called.
I commented a person could take a few days off from work and run through a hundred and be awarded a brass plaque on the wall.

Right now there were only five top prizes.
As I looked around I noticed the well-worn wooden beer cooler.
Man, if that thing could talk!
Several people walked into the picture while I was taking a 15-second exposure.
None would register though unless they stopped and stood still for a few seconds.

It was a busy, crowded Friday evening so no staffer was standing still that long.
I had skipped the recent celebration when Guy Fieri of the Food network showed a 8-minute segment of the Moose on his DDD (Diners, Drive-ins & Dives) tv show.
Of course, I tuned in at home and raised a beer toast.
Jen and Mike Kulicks, the owners, said it was a gala evening.
They have a souvenir of Guy's visit spray-painted above the wooden beer cooler.
(Click twice on the pictures to see more detail.)
To take a 15-second photo, the camera MUST be sitting on a flat surface and kept still. You can NOT hand hold it.
If I had joined the Beer Club, I would have only 99 to go.
Labels: 100 beers club, 400 Pound Monkey, C.V.Hill Dry Cold Refrigerator Co., DDD, Diners Drive-ins and Dives, Guy Fieri, Jen and Mike Kulicks, Left Hand Brewery, neck area, wooden beer cooloer
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