Now I Need A Coffee Table...

The 9" x 12" hard cover book is filled with colorful photos I've taken with my small digital camera - a Canon S90 - at concerts, music venues and Blues Festivals.I don't own a SLR (Single Lens Reflex).
This is really slick looking!
An online company called MyPublisher makes it easy and simple to do.
I was able to self-publish it in just a few days so you KNOW it can't be too complicated.

One of the members of my local photography group brought a beautiful one to a meeting a few years ago.
We passed it around and were impressed with the quality of his book.
His wife had tapped into his photo files and blew him away with the surprise Christmas present.
In fact, he told us, she did a 2 for the price of 1 deal and he sent the other one to his son.

I downloaded the free software and then gathered together the pictures I wanted to include in my first book.
There are many page layouts just a click away.
You can easily change your mind, enlarge or shrink the photos and choose to use captions or not.
I decided to have text only on the cover and on the spine.

There's a shot of me holding a ticket to a 1965 Beatles concert in San Diego.
Other music venues include the Pour House in West Ashley, the Music Farm, North Charleston Performing Arts Center, the Tin Roof, Home Team BBQ, Windjammer, the old Dough Re Mi and the Charleston Music Hall.
Trombone Shorty is on the cover, joyfully performing at the College of Charleston Cistern.
John Mellencamp is onstage in Columbia, as is Billy Joel and James three separate shows.
I was front row center for a ZZ TOP show and have an extreme close up of one of the two long-bearded guitar players.
The trio's drummer is clean shaved but his name is Frank Beard.
(Click on the photos - twice - for more details.)
Take a moment to see what kind of book you can make with MyPublisher.
They have various special offers and I think you'll be pleased with the possibilities to be creative.
I'm planning a sequel.
Labels: Billy Joel, Fiery Ron's Hime Team BBQ, Frank Beard, MyPublisher, PAC, Paul McCartney, Windjammer, ZZ Top Dough Re Mi
Yes, yes, yes! I love "My Publisher"! I have used others but this one is the very best. So professional and ANYONE can do it! Your book is beautiful! so fun isn't it?
Thanks for the kind words! I feel good about the first try and will expand on it. May do the "2 for 1" offer.
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