Not Exactly Chump Change....

Well, they aren't even making my Saturn Ion anymore!
It was under an extended 5-year warranty (the pay-extra-to-extend-total-coverage) until the first of the year. Of course, the day that ended I expected trouble to start.
Not at all. It's been a fine car.
It was my first NEW car since I pushed a 1973 VW Super Beetle out of the new car showroom.
The mileage is low since I'm retired but it still needs to have the oil changed.
Notice the sign suggests I ask for details. That hint is in much smaller letters.

I had a novel with me so no problem there. "So it'll be $17.99, right?" I asked for details.
"Yes. IF you pay with our company credit card, otherwise, the regular rate applies."
Counting a $3 charge for oil disposal (Isn't THAT what they do?) and taxes, it actually would cost about $34.95

I drove home to start some comparison shopping.
Apparently the LARGE price is not the best way to sort out who is going to change your oil.
You know the dealer would charge more - well, if I still HAD a dealer.
Reading the tiny, tiny small print I see some offer 5 quarts of oil and others will give you 6. Disposal fees are $2.50 or $3.00.
Oh, you want REAL oil, not synthetic? Sure, but that good stuff runs a couple of dollars more. (Does OPEC know we can make fake oil?)
I see some will rotate your tires. For free.
Better ask for details.
(Click the images to see more detail. The small print still will be small though.) I once saw a sign that offered to change your radio push buttons for $1. Each?
Thanks for stopping by. Check your brakes.
Labels: ask for details, brake job, Extra Virgin Oil Change., free tire rotation, Making fake oil, oil change, oil disposal fee, real oil vs synthetic
It pays to shop around and read the fine print!
Luckily, you only had an oil change to contend with. My teenager's car needed some major attention last week, and I ended up with a $1,200 repair bill AND a surly teenager.
But then, horses cost money, too, and they probably are even more of a pain in the neck...
Yeah, this ended up good. I even found an old Starbucks card in my wallet with a credit balance of $5.
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