Keep your camera handy....

My local photography group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
That was last night.
There was a light rain falling in North Charleston when I came out from Bella Napoli, the Italian eatery where we meet and eat.
Just before I turned on the wipers, I took a few shots.
Yes, I usually have my small Canon S90 camera with me.
Duh, especially when I'm among 22 members with large SLRs in huge backpacks.
One of the members, Thomas, had even adapted one of his old old film camera lenses so it fit on his modern digital camera.

Yep, the ever-popular painting of Elvis on a black velvet background.
Well, it was pretty popular at flea markets a few years ago.
Had not seen one recently so I raised my camera to capture the moment.
So, do you know where this hangs? Did you take a picture when you saw it?

This was the Johnny Depp-voiced animated film called RANGO.
Some have a ribbon or tape barrier to keep you back. And, I'm not sure if theaters really want you bringing in your camera.
They worry about people creating a "pirated" video copy.
My intentions are rather simple: capture the moment in the lobby and maybe post the picture on my blog.

Oh..wait, that's funny.."pirate" a film with Johnny Depp after his 4th outing as Captain Jack Sparrow.
(Per usual, click on the photo - twice - to see larger images. The shot of Cap't Sparrow was lifted from the internet so it doesn't get any larger.
There, that credited my source for his picture.)
You really should not leave your SLR at home.

Labels: black velvet painting, blast from the past, Canon S90, Captain Sparrow, Elvis, Johnny Depp, pirate film copies, SLR, watching TV with The Simpsons
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