SNOW weather is COLD weather.

Philadelphia and Boston wished they had a "snow" like ours.
The winter storm that slammed into the upper East Coast caused delays for Santa, drivers, airlines and even the NFL.
Charleston was at the bottom of that wintery misery scale. Thank goodness.

We had our "heavy" snow back in February. The polite one that fell at night and was gone by noon.
My cat Wally is very definitely an Inside/Outside kind of pet.
Usually he is on the wrong side of the door and wants to be "over there" instead.
In..he wants out. Out.. he wants to be in.
He was really thinking "Inside is better" as he stared through the patio door.
It wasn't the snow so much as it was the low temps.
That orange striped fur coat looks pretty warm.
Of course I let him in, picked him up and shivered when I felt the cold, cold pads of his feet.
More Kibble for kitty. Maybe a treat too.
Brrr. Purr.

(Click on the pictures for more detail. The cat was outside more than my Canon S90 was. Remember: a camera lens can fog up when you go out in the cold. Thanks for pausing to read this.)
Labels: Boston, Kibble, misery scale, NFL, Philadelphia, Snow, Wally Jr.
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