Hey...slow down. R-E-A-L-L-Y slow.

It's the Holiday Season and it's rush..rush..rush!
Slow it down.
Set your camera on a tripod and shoot a sloooooow loooong exposure.
Try 15 seconds. It's relaxing.
Things will look differently. I promise.
You'll see images your eye can't see.
Instead of freezing a moment, you prolong it.
Water droplets continue to merge and that splash looks featherly. Really.

Even traffic looks better.
There's movement.
Colors start to flow.
See. It's soothing.
(A good place to capture this is at the entrance to a city parking garage. See, I even have some cobblestones in the foreground.)

Self portrait of Man-In-A-Hat-With-Tripod.
Winter hasn't even officially started yet and I'm already projecting 6 more weeks of cold.
Yikes. And Brrrrr.
(Enlarge the pictures by clicking on them. I was surrounded by tripods and 9 DSLRs but my Canon S90 held its own. Hadn't carried a tripod in years. Thanks for stopping to look.)
Labels: 15-second exposure, Canon, DSLRs, Fantasy Cruise ship, flowing car lights, Night Photo Walk, Nikon, Pineapple fountain, self-portrait, tripods, waterfront Park
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