Live Long and Prosper...

The former IMAX (next to the Aquarium) is now the Terrace Hippodrome and Michael Furlinger, the owner, can proudly claim to have the largest screen in town. Wow.
The opening of Star Trek heralded the return of a first-run theater downtown in a first-class setting. Michael even did a drawing for a LIFE TIME free pass to the place.
The Terrace Theater's trademark sit-back-and-enjoy-a-beer was not flowing however, thanks to delays on the state level, but Michael says that'll be resolved shortly.
Meanwhile, popcorn sales seemed enormous among the nearly sold-out opening night crowd.
And, don't forget, the 7pm show was followed by 30 hours of repeat performances for avid Trekkers.
Once Leonard Nimoy came onscreen, you could see why William "The Shat" Shatner was upset he was not part of the production.

Labels: Bill Shattner, Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek, Terrace Hippodrome
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