Let me make some corrections...

OK, there was no fire drill with people running around. No clanging smoke alarms. No firemen hauling hoses and waving axes.
Just a simple evening...with 70 flaming candles... on my birthday cake.
Yes, it took me FIVE deep breaths to blow them all out.
A few days ago, my brother and his wife had presented a small cake after we dined out. Stuck on top were two flickering number candles. Cute and neat.
It was the right size to share with a few family members. I thought that was it for birthday candles.
I forgot that my friends at the Low Country Bloggers like parties and they really like planning one.
Being able to surprise someone is, well, the icing on the cake.
I was totally caught flat-footed. I admit I did not see it coming.
My cousin in Camden also surprised me with an excellent - and totally unexpected - birthday present.
When I unwrapped a copy of Popular Photography magazine, I quickly noticed it was the April 1939 copy.
That was the same year and month as my issue date.
My apology is for not realizing she had the idea, went to E-Bay, found the magazine she wanted, went through the bidding process at auction and was successful!
Now, that's some planning. Thanks cousin.
Labels: fire drill, fireman ax, Popular Photography magazine, smoke alarm
I'm so glad you had fun at the meetup.
(and thanks for showing up! *giggle*)
Heidi (withaz.net)
Heidi, everyone told me YOU were the real planner behind my wonderful evening.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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