This Northern pig looks familiar...

I had the address of Lombardi's, a pizzeria that had opened in 1905 and was recognized for its fine pies and Neopolitan atmosphere.

I later found out the figure was St. Anthony and the occasion was a huge Italian Saint's Day block party and carnival. They had cordoned off about 4 blocks and set up booths for foods and games and the place was thronged with happy, laughing crowds of people of all ages. My eye went to a pork products booth and I saw the recognizable South Carolina icon logo. Hmm, now I wondered, who had it first? The Italians or the Pluffmudders? Was the highly vaunted trademark simply lifted from a ClipArt booklet? Was some high-priced ad agency paid handsomely to come up with this?
My long weekend in The City was filled with many diverse happenings and photo ops and I'll share some more with you later. Right now we should ponder if Piggly Wiggly is preparing to open stores a little further up the coast. What about Publix?
Labels: Big Apple, Peroni bier, Piggly Wiggley, pizza, St. Anthony of Padua
That is definately our Piggie!
Yes, but which use came first? Pig execs should know. My father was spokesman for the Pig back in the 1950s when he worked at WCSC radio & TV. I know the Pig used that symbol at least 50 years ago.
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