Monday, June 07, 2021

A Cut Above The Rest..

 My yard does not care that I no longer use a ladder! It just keeps doing what it does and I am tempted to power up my electric hedge trimmer and whack away.

Wiser heads prevailed and a good buddy came by to use his super-powerful Weed Wacker all around the house. Unsightly weeds GONE!

And, the next day, he climbed the ladder that wisely is forbidden to me - as an old-timer - and lopped off all the growth that a full year had added to my shrubs, azaleas, and other flowering bushes.

Round azalea bushes were cut down in size and now are square again!

The street-side hedge is manageable finally and many bags of clippings will be raked up, bagged, and hauled away by the city!

Bagging I can ladder involved. Thanks to my buddy Chris!

He worked for hours and knew how to safely use high-powered equipment.

His Weed-Wacker is gas-powered (no extension cords!) and cuts through everything in its path. 

Well, part of one plant got caught in his backswing what? It'll grow back!

You know how this works, click on the photos to see a larger image. Thanks for stopping by...wanna do some raking?

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