End of the year!
The Christmas holiday and New Year's Eve (NYE), are bookends for the year.Well, at least, the last of one year and the first of the new one.
A December 25 treat for my cat was a toy I found online that fascinates her.
It actually lives up to the excited hype that describes "hours of fun for kitty."
Well, more like short stretches of a few minutes, but she does keep coming back for more.
These impulse buys don't always work out this good.

A nice buffet - with cake - is set up in the paper's large Conference Room on EOY (End Of Year) as close as possible to New Year's Eve.
I worked at the paper only 8 years as opposed to retirees I chat with at this event each year who were there 30 - 40 years or more.
The event is held from 1 pm to 3 pm so I usually opt for the photographer's reserved spot when I see it is empty.
Old habits die hard as I remember being a staff photographer for the San Deigo Union-Tribune Metro daily in southern California back in the 1960s. We were known to park anywhere we wanted when covering breaking news and deadlines were approaching!
I took my annual tour of the building and on the 3rd floor, walked out of the cafeteria to get a view of the back of the buildings going up at the Courier Square.
That was a new scene from the outdoor dining area.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for stopping by.
Please come by again. I'll be here.
Labels: cat toy that works, changing skyline with Courier Square., EOY, Newspaper Retirees' "drop In", NYE, on deadline with breaking news., press photographers
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