CROW counting.....
I told a friend I was going to go see Counting Crows last night.The group was formed back in 1991, and I liked its leader Adam Duritz and the great sounds they make on stage and CDs.
They were playing at the Family Circle venue on Daniel Island.
Think I said something "cutesy" about "counting some crows."
My buddy's response was cryptic: be sure to look for Russell, Sheryl and Black.
Yes, you are way ahead of me.

I had seen these Crows live many years ago in Atlanta at the now defunct Mid-Town Music Festival.
So sad that went away.
It was easily worth a 5-hour drive over there to see multiple acts over a long weekend.
Anyway - he and the band sounded just as good as I remembered.
Don't recall him with all that hair but the voice was perfect. He actually seemed more relaxed than I remember.

I enjoyed the sounds AND the fact it was NOT raining.
This afternoon, there was a torrential downpour but not on Wednesday night.
Those beautiful, well-maintained clay courts would have been hard-pressed to absorb all that water and not be adversely-affected by a huge crowd standing and dancing at mid-court.
Oh, the evening was indeed hot and humid.
But no rain. And a nice breeze came often enough to provide blessed relief. There was even an uplifting aroma wafting through every now and then.
Up on stage, the light show was quite nice.
As a photographer, I try to time my shots to peak action.
A bonus is when spectacular lighting gives me an edge in capturing a moment that is visually outstanding.
The venue holds 10,200 people for tennis matches but, has to block off seats for a show like this that would have a poor visual angle.
So, let's say, the filled seats totaled about 6 or 7 thousand.
Looked like a sell-out crowd to me.
Impressive on a hot oppressive night of sweat, heat and humidity.
Hey, it's August in Charleston. We can handle it.

They took turns lifting and holding the small girl in their arms so she could see what all the noise was about.
She tried to sit down on the court but it was obvious that people dancing and moving with the music could be an "Oops, stepped on your child" hazard.
The parents quietly left with her at the end of the show, skipping the extended encore.
Did I mention I may have had the only real camera in that jostling crowd?
Oh, there were plenty of phone cams and phablets (combo tablets and phones) all around me.
But it was kind of sad to see hundreds/thousands of people concentrating on "selfies" and their recording devices and not the actual "Live" moment.
I snapped a few shots with my camera for possible use to share with readers of this blog but my main focus was the music and the extravaganza happening right before my eyes.
OK, actually, today, this afternoon, as the rain pounded down outside, I took another computer step.
I had caught Adam at the piano, in a delightful "really into it" moment and used "tools" to poster-ize that moment.
Reached into my visual bag of tricks and accentuated the emotion he was showing.
Guilty as charged.
But it seemed the perfect way to illustrate how great he felt about that song. His head was thrown back as he shared with us.
I have learned to NOT overuse the Fish-Eye lens effect but I'm a sucker for a good, clean poster look.
I counted three different t-shirts on Adam as he and the band sweated their way through the excellent long song set list.
This moment was repeated often as Adam teamed up with another band mate for a brief interchange.
I mean really "brief."
Only seconds to catch him with David Immergluck on mandolin.
Or with lead guitar Dan Vickrey.
It was challenging to capture those brief pairing instants.
So the breeze helped. I missed my earplugs but got through OK.
Police assisting us in and out to avoid jams as traffic could have been really terrible and snarled.
It was a fun and fulfilling time of counting the crows.
(Click on the photos and links for more details.)
Thanks for chillin' with me.
Labels: #Adam Duritz, #Counting Crows, #Dan Vickrey, #David Immergluck, #Family Circle Tennis venue, #Mid-Town music festival in Atlanta, 6-year old fan, impressive and oppressive, phablets, poster-ize
فني كهربائي
كهربائي منازل وفني كهربائي بالكويت دوره ومدى اهميته في المجتمع ؟ حين ينقطع الكهرباء عن مكان يصاب المكان بالشلل التام، ولا تعود الحياة إلا بعودة التيار الكهربائي للمكان، حينها قد تكون الكهرباء في تلك اللحظة هي الحياة لذا لا غنى عن كهربائي منازل، خاصة إن كان المكان المنقطع عنه التيار الكهربائي غرفة عمليات في مستشفى، أو حضانة أطفال بمركز رعاية رضع، حينها لا يقتصر الأمر على مجرد انقطاع تيار كهربائي، ولكن بالفعل تصبح علامة وصول التيار الكهربائي للمكان، هي الحياة، حياة إنسان تتوقف على وجود تيار كهربائي.
ويحتاج مجال الكهرباء واصلاحها إلى فني كهربائي منازل لديه مهارة وتركيز وخبرة كبيرة، ودراية كبيرة بهذا المجال الحساس وهو الأمر الذي لا توفره الكثير من الشركات آلأخرى، فالكهرباء مهمة جدا في حياتنا اليومية ولا نستطيع العيش بدونها وأي عطل يحدث يسبب أزمات كبيرة وخسائر، وتحتاج المنازل والمنشآت إلى صيانة وتصليح للأعطال بشكل دوري ومستمر حتى نحمى أنفسنا من المخاطر.
نحن افضل خيار فى حالة احتياجك الى كهربائي منازل الكويت
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