"Hey, weight a minnit..."

Arnold Schwarzenegger, now has turned his attention to me and my body.
Believe me, I need all the help I can get!
Well, Mr. Weider is not giving me a hand personally.
I just bought a used home weight system with his name on it and I have high hopes.
Yes, it's only early January in 2015 but already such exercise equipment is on sale. Found this on Craigslist.
I noticed it was dusty.
In a few more weeks I suppose the crowds will be smaller at gyms and fitness centers as reality overpowers even the most sincere best intended New Year's resolutions.
This 200-pound machine was purchased at Sears and delivered in a large box on a big truck to its new owner three months ago.
I searched last week for one like this - or similar - and Craigslist popped up with this winner.
I called because the price was lower than at the stores. Did he still have it for sale?
Yes he did and I drove over - using my Smartphone's GPS to navigate - and pulled up in his driveway.
About a month ago, he had removed the Weider 6900 from the box and carefully assembled it in his garage.
I did not ask why, after only a month, he had decided he didn't need it. Who knows, maybe a month from now, I too might offer it up for sale?
Fortunately, I have plenty of room for exercise equipment.
My dad, a carpenter and cabinetmaker, had built his 50' x 20' workshop after they moved from the peninsula (Ansonborough) to Hanahan in 1962.
I call this my "Charleston Basement" because of all the space I have downstairs.
And to watch eyebrows raise to envision anyone having a basement in our below-sea-level-Lowcountry.
After my dad had passed away, I found Lowe's would sell "mistake-mixed" paints very cheaply so I brightened up the spacious but dull workshop with bright colors.
I had toyed with the idea of moving up to a full weight bench with metal plates and barbells.
Did not like the idea of trying to press heavy weights without a "spotter" to insure I did not have a mishap while alone and be in trouble.
(I had a boat for years and did not go out alone. Less boating but more shared good times with others on board.)
Instead, I liked the idea of ten weights (12.5 pounds each) which could be combined and moved with pulleys and cables to provide varied resistance as I worked on different parts of my body.
I quickly learned that you balance the number of rep(ititions)

This came with a nice chart showing about 36 different ways to tone specific muscles.
And suggested regimens to set and meet specific body building goals.
I am so glad the previous owner had patiently - and correctly - put all of these parts together.
It works smoothly and I am experimenting with using a different number of heavy plates.
After only 3 days of working out ways to work out, I feel this is working out well.
The "basement," over the years, has seen several treadmills come and go. The last two came from Play It Again, Sports
They do this a lot and made moving in the new and hauling out the old a simple procedure.
I just walk (fast) instead of jogging or running on my treadmill and that takes 30 minutes of my 5x a week exercising.
I did the annual Bridge Run for 13 years - walking rather than running.
Did my first run, er, walk, the last year the 2-lane John P. Grace was used; many years on the 3-lane Pearman, and did my final walk on the 8-lane Ravenel.
So, until the city builds a new bridge across the Cooper River, I guess that's it for me.
But my walking continues.
The treadmill faces a small tv set, and, using my ROKU, I can stream Netflix movies and series onto the screen and be entertained.
It makes the half-hour walk more interesting.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
As noted earlier, this is my 800th posting on my 8-year old blog.
I started Web Logging a few years after I retired from The Post and Courier, my 200+ years old local newspaper.
I've written about a diet I started early last summer so this new phase of exercise equipment continues that weight-loss effort.
Yes, I am using weights to lose weight.
Labels: Butterfly chest exercise, dumbbells and barbells. Horizon treadmill., John P. Grace bridge, Pearman Bridge, Play It Again Sports, Ravenel Bridge, Weider 6900 weight system
I certainly wish you luck with that. All the machines I tried over the years became coat racks. Good luck.
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