This & That, Odds and Ends...
My track record of taking pictures of Boeing 787s is not great.You may recall my last venture had a security guard inform me I could NOT take any pictures
He also curtly told me that I had to leave their "campus" immediately.
But, hey, I was born in Charleston.
I've been here longer than they have.
A few days ago I was driving by and could not resist another try.

I mean, there were 7 colorful birds parked on the tarmac.
The 42nd Scottish Games & Highland Gathering was held again last week but I didn't go this year.
I have a cousin who lives in Camden and Leslie usually is welcoming visitors, sitting in her ROSS Clan booth.
This year she couldn't make it so I didn't go either.
Feel better soon "Cuz."
Two years ago her son Patrick brought his two-handed sword to the booth. It's heavier than I thought.
Don't think I'd last long in a battle wielding that brute.
Maybe two swings and I'd be pooped.
A boyhood friend and his wife just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
I was so pleased to be invited to join the family for dinner and cake.
It was a fun evening, seeing a few people I had not seen in years and taking some pictures which I sent along.
I believe I was the only person there with a "real" camera, surrounded by a bevy of cellphones that also could take photos.
My camera is not able to make phone calls.
As I was leaving, I noticed the transportation that had been supplied for the happy couple.
Yes, I added this shot to some others I sent them as a thank you and congratulations.
Took an out-of-town guest around to see the sights and drove into the Citadel for the first time in a few years.
Saw a giant version of "The Ring" as it is described.
Not a trick shot with my camera, this replica is about the size of a large SUV.
In fact, it dwarfs several cars in the background.
Would be hard to explain losing or misplacing one that size.
My visitor also was in search for some special flavored pipe tobacco.
The first three shops did not have what he sought but The Smoking Lamp, on King Street next to the Francis Marion Hotel, was the Mother Lode.
While he was shopping, I had my camera out and asked some cadets if I could snap a few pictures.
The gentleman with the pipe already going said he didn't mind.
He produced a LOT of smoke for me.
The shop Manager looked up to see what was going on. She smiled when she saw the smoker - and me with my camera.
We wandered on down King Street and I bought the t-shirt I had seen in the window of University Books while walking by during Second Sunday.
As they had my name on it.
A friend asked if I had had it custom made but I said Chucktown was available in at least one store.
(Click on the photos for more details.)
Thanks for stopping by for a mixture of pictures taken but not posted.
I'm going to wear the t-shirt to my college reunion in San Diego.
Wonder how many West Coasters will recognize the palmetto and crescent moon - our S.C. logo?
Labels: 50th wedding anniversary, Boeing 787, campus antics, Chucktown t-shirt, Citadel cadets, SC logo, The Ring, The Smoking Lamp, University Books of Charleston2-handed sword
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