Oh Boy..a Photo Scavenger Hunt.
My Photography Group decided to repeat a Scavenger Hunt we did last year.Were they excited?
You bet.
Was the weather great?
Yes, it was Second Sunday on King Street.
We, however, worked down at the bottom of King.
Started around 2 Meeting Street.
At the gazebo in White Point Gardens.
Six teams took off with a lengthy list of objects, situations and people to capture on film.
Er, I mean, digitally.
Not that there's anything wrong with film.
One of the rules this year was each team was handed a small mascot that HAD to be included in the picture.
This way the 5-6 photographers stick together instead of darting off in all directions.
It promoted "teamwork."
The above photo was specific "Team jumps up at the same time, with ALL feet in the air."
No problem...after a few attempts.
We found a "Car with a parking ticket" on a Sunday afternoon.
The boot on the wheel was a bonus.
Well, for US, not so much for the car owner.
That danged Fisheye lens effect captured this odd shot of cobblestones.
The Team Leader Dee pointed out that the mascot was not included in the picture.
She also reminded me that cobblestones were NOT on the list of targets.
I ran to catch up with the team.
We were looking for a "Car with an Iowa license tag,"
which we didn't find.
Two other teams did. as well as a Canadian plate to match "An out of the country license tag."
The Market was an easy place to snap "a stranger with a beard,"
"a pig"
and "a person eating a pecan praline."
We all took a Charleston Sweet break at this point.
We learned that quite a few teams wearing our distinctive red "Hello, my name is" name tags had found the praline paradise.
Familiar sounding, but hard to remember where, my team never did find "A yellow car in front of a yellow house."
Other teams did which starts to explain why my team did not win any prizes.
I had seen a picture of that house and car recently.
Once I had owned a 1959 Triumph TR-3 British sports car that had the same canvas "side curtains."
But my car doors had opened the normal way.
The time ran out for the searches and we gathered near the Market at Tommy Condon's Irish Pub.
They had been alerted that a hungry - and thirsty - crowd of 30-40 photographers would begin arriving around 5 pm.
We were pretty obvious, even without the name tags.
Tripods, bulging camera bags and a competitive spirit announced our arrival.
We spread out and almost filled the entire outside upper deck.
Tally sheets were turned in as groups discussed their successes and the few failures to find an object.

People handed cameras around with images glowing on the back.
The wonder of digital photography.
We all had stories of talking uniformed Citadel cadets into cooperating.
They were cool with that.
One even held the small doll-like mascot.
Strangers smile easily while munching a praline.
Several teams - including mine - found "A stranger who looks like a member of your team." Sort of eerie actually.
Dee announced the 3rd Place winner. Smiling faces at one long table.
The 2nd Place team gave themselves a round of applause. We all joined in.
The 1st Place team won by many points. More clapping and back-slapping.
Most had heard of Scavenger Hunts but very few had ever actually done one.
"Hey, let's do this every year," was a comment I heard around the room.
The food started arriving and that caught our attention. As well it should.
Did you know that the menu there lists Guinness as an appetizer?
I had seen an Irish bar in New York that labeled Guinness as "Soup of the Day."
Our Group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Carolina Ice Palace in North Charleston.
Go to this link to see the pictures uploaded from the Sunday Quest.
(Click on the pictures for more detail.)
Yes, the Fisheye loomed again.
Better get used to it.
I have given up. Sigh.
Labels: appetizer, Citadel cadets, cobblestones, fisheye lens effect, Guinness as Soup of the Day, Makin' Bacon statues, pecan pralines, photo teams, scavenger hunt, Tommy Condon's, toy mascots
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