The Missed Photograph....

Oh yeah.
This goes on all the time.
Even though I usually have my Canon S90 small digital camera with me, sometimes I'm driving and I skip a scene that looks good.
Or other safety considerations make me later regret I had not pulled over and captured a moment.
As a blogger, I often take a picture of a meal I'm about to enjoy. The wait staff at Big Billy's Burger Joint was amused. The small fry basket really caught my eye.
But, there are times I COULD have, SHOULD have but didn't click the shutter.
I had such a moment yesterday when I went to the post office and saw the second lady waiting in line was holding three large Mylar balloons bobbing on strings.
When I joined the line, I noticed one of the postal clerks had several balloons in his work space, including one that said "Happy Birthday, Randy."
That would have made a nice shot...she waiting in line, him smiling over at her. BUT, snapping pictures in the post office is intimidating so I merely watched as she told the next customer "go ahead, I'm waiting for him (pointing to Randy)."
She soon passed him the balloons, said a few words and left, laughing at his embarrassment.
I was next so, as I handed him the bubble-wrapped book I needed to mail. I said "Sorry, Randy, no balloons, but here's a present." He grinned and added the postage. I wished him a happy birthday.
A few months ago, I entered the Pour House music venue rather early, just a few people wandering around, and noticed what had to be one of the band members standing by himself at the bar drinking a beer.
He was clutching his highly-polished stand-up bass next to him.
Instead of taking his picture, I joined him, ordered a brew and said I assumed he was in the band. We both laughed, talked a few minutes and he hefted his bass fiddle and walked off to the backstage area.
A fellow blogger admitted she had missed a great scene at a Civil War reenactment when a lady in a large Southern hoop skirt was trying to get into a porta-potty.
Maybe my friend was too intimidated.

We were not above staging a shot.
Well, never for a news photo. Journalistic ethics.
Luckily I saw this LONG dog and did snap the picture.
Labels: bacon and brie, bass fiddle, Civil War Reenactor, hoop skirt, long doggie, mylar balloons, Randy the Postal Clerk, stand-up bass, USPS
Talking of missed opportunities, I see many many things I'd like to photograph, but can't.
You see, the passengers on my bus wouldn't be too impressed, and neither would the management. I don't think I'd be driving a bus for them for too much longer once they realized what I was doing.
It's a shame really. At least some of the time I can go back and take similar shots, when it's local to my home.
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