Halloween has come and gone....

Actually this is NOT a Halloween picture.
It was a life-size poster in a theater lobby for a horror film.
All I had to do was stick my head through the hole above the creature's hand and assume a properly terrified face.
I think I did a good job.
The cutout was rather large so I attempted to darken the open space around my face.
The arms were part of the poster so I added color because they represented MY arms.
The overall effect is truly in the spirit of October 31.

Here's another paper cutout that gave me a photo opp.
I like the way both the "Duke" and I have our belts fixed.
He's on the left.
This was taken during a stay in St. Louis when I had my two grandsons come over by Amtrak from mid-Missouri to stay with me a few days.
To this day their mother does not know I was late - about 20 minutes - in meeting the train and the two teenagers were waiting alone at the train station. Yikes.
Michael, the older boy was on the phone when I rushed in, out of breath from running.
"Grandpa, I was trying to call Mom but nobody answered."
It could have been scary.
(Click on the photos for more detail.) Recently I attended the wedding /reception for both Grandsons. They each brought up the railroad station situation but, fortunately, their Mom was standing far away and didn't hear. Whew.
Labels: AMTRAK, cardboard cutouts, grandsons, John Wayne, Michael and Matthew, scary Halloween, St. Louis, The Duke
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