Gone but hardly forgotten....

I have heard from two neighbors who asked about my late cat Wally.
I felt like a proud parent hearing stories of his roaming the 'hood and his "nice guy" demeanor and take-no-shit activities with other cats and dogs.
My favorite is a lady down the street who has an older indoor cat that's blind.
Almost daily Wally would scratch at her door, she'd let him in and he'd nuzzle the elderly - and pleased - house cat.
It would still be purring from his visit as he headed for her food bowl to snack before he left.
Another commented on the respect shown by his large dog when Wally would saunter into their kitchen.
Yes, he was known to munch some dog food too.

Wally set a high bar of devotion & sweetness for any new orange striped kitten I might seek out in the future.
Meanwhile, his picture still "guards" my computer. Attaboy.
Labels: big respectful dog, blind cat, meow, Wally Jr.
Wow. Awesome stories and remembrances for Wally. That's great!
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