1900s Glass Slides..and a Laptop Computer

And hold them up towards the light.
Yep. That's a black and white image, taken in the early 1900s with a very large and bulky camera perched on a wooden tripod.
The photographer in Georgetown had ducked his head beneath the dark cloth draped over the back and clicked the shutter.
It was a magic moment captured forever.

One could print paper copies to pass around or transfer the slides to a flash card so you could run them through a computer and project them onto a large screen.
At the monthly meeting, members of our photography group heard an interesting talk by Ethel Nepveux when she and husband Felix brought photos on glass slides from the Trenholm Collection, her family's century old little treasure.
The monthly meeting had a problem though: the 21st century video projector & computer had not arrived. We didn't have a way to electronically look at these nor at any of the other pictures members had brought for our popular monthly SHOW & TELL.
Ethel said quietly"Well, I do have a laptop computer out in the car."

(See some more of glass slides images and the members' colorful pictures on the SHOW & TELL. Scroll down to the Dec 9 meeting.)
Labels: 8 x 10 camera, Ethel and Felix Nepveux, Georgetown, glass slides, laptop computer, Navt blimp, Trenholm Pictures
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