Syncopated Musical Madness...

The 1920-ish Two Man Gentlemen Band
had come down from New York City and handed them out. They wanted the crowd to join in. We sure did! And there were dancers too.
Bassist Fuller Condon played backup Kazoo to Andy Bean's lead Kazoo and banjo. Hey, introducing the band didn't take long.
"You name an activity you like and we'll compose a song for it," announced lead singer Andy Bean. They had us laughing and singing along with songs about badminton, croquet and even drip drying after a shower.
There were double - and triple - entrendres galore and enough innuendos to shock everyone. It was great.
And, best news of all, they are coming back to Tin Roof on Tuesday January 27 so you can go and enjoy their talented antics.
Be sure to pick up a Kazoo. Your cat will thank you.
Labels: banjo, bassist, kazoo, Tin Roof, Two Man Gentlemen Band
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