Look Out Sullivan's Island ...

They were playing the unique church-based sounds made popular by Robert Randolph at a favorite Charleston venue that just soared to the top of my charts...The Pour House has posted signs saying NO SMOKING.
Wow. No more wheezing and having to strip and throw all my clothes in the dryer because I smelled like an ashtray after an evening there.
As I told Alex, the owner, I loved the bands, his staff and the cold beer but the extremely smoke-filled room was a physical discomfort. He smiled and answered "now you have no complaints."
Alex further explained that they were finishing a huge deck out back and smokers were encouraged to "step outside to smoke." It was chilly last night and the open door created a draft but I have no complaints. Nor coughs.
The fresh air deck is just about the size of the indoor space - with a stage placed in the far corner - and will be used he said for "early shows" before the 11pm noise ordinance kicks in.
Last night The Lee Boys started a few minutes before 11 and played till about 1:30 so the addition of a smoke-free early show sounds great. Our "Winter" weather should be able to handle concerts in the great outdoors on Maybank Highway, across from the Terrace Theater..
Give yourself a treat and check out the sounds at http://www.leeboys.com. and plan to be there when they come back to Charleston. They'll be smoking... in a good way.
This is the way I like to see it done. Kudos to the business owner for realizing the non-smoking business is out there.
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