Sunday, March 06, 2022

Wow..I really have neglected my blog!

Can't remember when I have had such a long gap in the blog I have been writing for 14 years! Well, I could blame COVID! In fact, I DID have to isolate back in August when I tested positive right at the time I was closing on my house in Hanahan and also closing on my new home in The Elms of Charleston. My son and older daghter came through at my time of crisis and flew here to assist! Chris to oversee the packing and Amy to monitor the unloading at the new one-story house. BUT, now it has been six months since all that drama happened. Still going through 80+ years of MY photos and tons more of them kept by my folks in numerous albums. many memories!
Several are especially worth mentioning and being placed in my blog from my early days AFTER the Marine Corps and the beginning of being a student at USD and ALSO starting at the Union and Tribune photo lab in downtown San Diego. Affordable but dangerous transportation!


At Mon Mar 07, 01:35:00 PM , Blogger Marcheline said...

Welcome back!

At Sat Jul 09, 06:37:00 AM , Blogger Eyebee said...

I get very lax in my own blog updates, so I know what year mean, Chuck. I do keep a private, daily journal though, and I try to write something in that every day.


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